Chapter 16

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Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated this. I've been super busy!

I'm moving so everything is crazy.

Also, I hit writers block.

This one might go a little fast, just because I'm running out of ideas for dialogue


It had been three weeks since Thomas and Jamie found out Newt and Teresa were still alive. Since then, Thomas has been able to telepathically talk to Teresa, but Jamie never got to see Newt. The more she thought about him being alive, the more she missed him. The more she worried for his well being. She had more dreams about him, but in so, he would have seizures and pass out. Jamie wondered if he would make it back.

"Heeeeeeeyyyyy Jamie." said Minho strangely.

Jamie raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Um...hey?"

Minho put an arm around her and walked with her too the meadows. "Soooo, I was thinkin' and maybe we should hang out today. You know, just the two of us. We haven't really gotten the chance to catch up lately."

"Uh sure I guess, why now?" she asked.

"What? Can't I spend some time with my best friend? Come on, cut me some slack here." he said a bit dubiously.

Jamie smiled. "Ok. If you insist."

Jamie looked at Minho as they walked.

'Somethings fishy.'


Newt held the rails of the boat and looked out at the water. Water sprayed on his face as they sailed.

"We're almost their!" shouted Murphy.

"Good that!" replied Newt.

He looked ahead and safe an island in the horizon.

'Jamie' he thought.

"I'm nervous." said Teresa, who was standing beside him.

"Whys that?" he asked.

"What if everyone hates me for what I did to them. What about Minho. He surely hates me." said Teresa

"I don't think they'll hate you...It'll just take some time to get used to, ya know? I mean, It's not like every bloody shank on that island is gonna love you. Everyone has enemy's." said Newt, keeping his eyes on the green waves.

"You really think think they'll except me?" asked Teresa

Newt turned to her. "Look, don't worry your little head about it. Your gonna be Ok."

Teresa smiled and put a hand on his shoulder. "I hope your right."


The entire afternoon, Minho and Jamie spent the day walking through the meadow, talking, and picking flowers. Minho seemed to always want to have a conversation going. Like he was delaying something. Minho looked out at the sea and saw a boat in the horizon.

"Shuck, their coming." he whispered to himself.

"What was that?" asked Jamie.

"Oh uh nothing...hey, I'm getting bored of the meadow, lets head to the forest." he said, his hands shaking slightly.

"Alright." said Jamie

Minho sighed with relief as she walked towards the bunch of trees.

'Good thing she didn't see the boat.' he thought as he ran after her.

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