Chapter 15

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Sorry I haven't written since Friday

I love you all!!


Jamie stood at the edge of the cliff, still singing her song. She shivered. It was as if someone was there with her. She closed her eyes and breathed in the cool ocean air. She opened them again and headed back home. As she walked, she noticed that the sun was going down. She walked through the village and watched the people around her. She saw Gally and Evie getting along just fine, Amber was trying to work but Minho kept bugging her, and Thomas who was heading towards Jamie.

"Jamie! Wait up!" he shouted.

Jamie rolled her eyes and sped up her pace.

"Jamie stop!" he yelled, running up to her.

"What do you want? Haven't you done enough damage already?" shouted Jamie.

Thomas sighed. "Look, I know what I did wrong, and I'm sorry. Maybe he really is out there somewhere. Maybe we can find him."

Jamie turn to him. Her eyes full of hope. "You really think so?"

"I know so." said Thomas. "I should have believed you sooner. It makes sense that you guys are connected. You two have been through things I can't even begin to imagine."

Jamie smiled. "It's Ok, and thank you, but why the sudden change of heart."

Thomas took Jamie by the shoulder and lead her somewhere less crowded.

"Ok look, remember how me and Teresa could speak telepathically in the Glade?" he said

"Yeah, why?" asked Jamie.

"Well, when I was helping Vince at work, I heard a ringing in my ear and then a voice that said, 'We're coming Tom.'"

Jamie looked confused.

"Jamie...I think Teresa's alive too."


Newt opened his eyes slowly. He sat up in his bed, but quickly stopped. He pressed his hand to his temple. His head was pounding. He groaned out in pain. When he finally sat up, he looked around him. At the entrance of the tent was a silhouette of a woman. Newt squinted his eye until he finally focused on her figure.

"Hey Newt." she said

"Teresa?" asked Newt.

She stepped into the light. Indeed it was the same old Teresa Newt met back in the Glade.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"I was about to ask you the same thing." said Teresa.

Newt frowned. "Your supposed to be with the others, or did you..."

Teresa nodded. "I sacrificed myself for Thomas."

Newt looked down. "You betrayed us."

"I thought I was doing the right thing, and so did they." said Teresa

"They? Who's they?" asked Newt.

"Why us of course." said Dr. Murphy walking into the tent. "We used to work for WICKED, until we realized what their angle was."

Newt seemed confused. "How did you survive?"

"We made it out of the city...well most of us anyway." said the Dr.

"Their nothing like WICKED, Newt. Their here to help us get home." said Teresa.

Newt was having trouble buying it. "How do I know your not lying like those buggers?"

Teresa and Dr. Murphy looked at each other. Teresa stepped up to Newt and pulled up the back of her shirt to reveal a menacing scar that traveled all the way down her back

"I broke my spine from the fall." she said. "They saved my life too."

Newt seemed to understand now.

After taking pain medication, Newt got dressed and walked outside. He stood on the edge of the cliff, looking out at the view. The mountains were rocky and blue while the lake in front of him was green.

"You miss her don't you?" said Teresa, walking up next to him.

Newt took a deep breath. "More than anything."

Teresa nodded. "I understand. Ever since the Glade, me and Thomas have had this...connection. I know it sounds dumb but..."

"No, I get it." said Newt, cutting her off. "Me and Jamie are the same way. Ever since WICKED put us through the lucid trials, we've seen each others dreams and thoughts. Just last night, I saw her singing."

Newt looked down, trying to hold back the lump forming in his throat. Teresa put a hand on his shoulder.

"We'll find them. I know we..." Teresa stopped. Her eyes widened. Like she had just thought of the best idea ever.

"Newt!" she said. "What if I talk to Thomas using telepathy? So he can tell us where they are."

Newt raised an eyebrow in confusing. "Will it even work from this far away?"

"Wouldn't hurt to try." said Teresa. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply. She frowned as she did it, then opened them again.

"Did it work?" asked Newt.

"I hope so."


Jamie walked over to the bar table that was near the kitchen, run by Gally.

"Get me a Gladers special." said Jamie

"Ah yes, my secret recipe, but last I checked, you weren't 21." said Gally

"I'm 18. Is that good enough for you?" said Jamie.

Gally laughed and handed her a glass with the dark liquid in it. Jamie took a sip and squeezed her eyes shut. She gulped arduously. Gally grinned.

"I forgot what that tasted like." squeaked Jamie

"Hey, can I ask you something?" asked Gally

"Sure bud! What's up?" said Jamie

Gally took a deep breath and sighed. "What does it mean when your stomach gets all...fluttery?"

Jamie thought for a moment then looked back at Gally. She followed his eyes and saw that he was staring at Evie. Jamie gasped.

"Oh my god...your in love!" she said excitedly.

Gally's face went red and he averted his gaze away from Evie. Jamie smiled widely.

"Slim it! Don't be so loud!" he said

Jamie giggled. "Gally likes Evie. Gally like Evie." she chanted.

"Ok, maybe I do." he said shyly

Jamie squealed.

"But I don't want this getting out. I really like her and she understands me."

"Aww." said Jamie. "But no joke, I can totally see you guys together."

Gally smiled. "Ok but why does this remind me of you and Newt?"

Jamie stopped. "Wait, what do you mean?"

"Yeah know, you were in love with him and I knew your secret, which I kept to myself." he said proudly.

Jamie smiled. "Yes I know, and I thank you for that."

"Your welcome." he said, returning his gaze back to Evie.


I'm sorry, but I don't want my precious baby Gally to die alone.

He deserves more

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