Chapter 9

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Teresa began to stitch up the small hole in Thomas' neck. She looked over at Brenda. She was surprised to see she was doing well.

"She's looking good. Healthy. How've you been getting her serum?" she asked

"What are you talking about?" asked Thomas

Teresa sighed. "Brenda. I didn't think she'd still be alive. When was her last treatment?"

Thomas didn't really want to talk to her right now. He wasn't sure he was ready to forgive her yet.

"At the Right Arm. The last time we saw you." he said quietly.

Teresa paused. "But that was months ago."

She clipped off the end of the string. Thomas flinched and pulled away. He turned around so that he was facing her.

"Thomas, that's not possible. She should have turned by now. There's no way she could possibly still..."

"All right, that's enough." said Thomas cutting her off.

Teresa frowned.  "You don't believe me?"

"Do you really expect me to?" said Thomas. Teresa didn't respond. "You made your choice."

They stood there, staring at each other for a few seconds.

"Everything okay over here?" said Gally coming up behind them.

"Yeah. Yeah, we're done." said Thomas walking away.

Teresa watched him as he did. She looked down at the small table next to her with the bloody equipment on it. She slowly reached her hand down for one of the cloths with Thomas' blood on it. Her fingers had just touched it when she felt someone grab her hand. She looked up to see who it was.

"Nice try." said Gally. He roughly put his hand on her shoulder and dragged her away. As they walked away, Teresa grabbed the cloth and squeezed it in her palm.

A few minutes later, Jamie and Newt emerged from one of the rooms, fully clothed in WICKED guard uniform. Jamie already had the mask over her face to hide the fact that she had been crying. She knew that if she removed it, the guys would see her red and puffy eyes.

"Alright, lets move out!" shouted Gally. Jamie and Newt nodded. Thomas had just finished pulling on his suit and began to follow the group. Everyone grabbed blasters and began to execute their plan.

Thomas walked through the city streets, escorting Teresa.

"Don't stop." he said as they walked through the doors. The two of them walked through the Magnetometer and the light switched to green. They were all clear.

They both continued to walk down the hallway until they were stopped by two guards. Both about the same height. Thomas froze, wondering who was on the other side of their masks. The man nodded for Thomas to follow him. That was the signal. It was Newt and Jamie. The group walked down a stair case and through another hallway. As they walked, another man in a WICKED suit joined them. It was Gally. The group stepped into a stairwell and pointed their guns up and down, in case anyone was coming. 

"Go go go." said Thomas.

"Hold on." said Gally. "I can get in here." he said pointing to a fuse box.

"Throw me a walkie." said Thomas

Gally threw it to him as Thomas ran down the stairs. Newt lifted his mask, grabbed the rail, and began to cough over the side. Jamie removed her mask and put a hand on his back for reassurance. Teresa watched the two and made eye contact with Newt. She knew what was going on. Gally used a saw blade to try to open the fuse box.

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