Chapter 1

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"Eren what are you doing? Stop it, you'll die!" "If it means protecting you..." He bites his hand and lightning strikes, where he stood a 15m tall titan taking his place. He turns his head and looks down for a moment before taking off, running towards something outside of y/n's sight, into a cloud of black smoke. Her body was frozen in place, stuck sitting on the cold ground surrounded by the smoke. "Eren!" she screams at the top of her lungs, but to no avail.

In the smoke she could suddenly see a figure, a silhouette, whizzing around the air. Immediately she recognized the movements as someone with ODM gear. She heard the screams of the titan followed by the sound of blades slashing into flesh.

Another moment of silence passed... Before long she could see the figurecoming out of the smoke towards her. With her body still frozen y/n couldn'tdo much other than sit on the ground and await her fate. The figure came closer... Closer... Closer... y/n's face turned into a shocked grimace."Captain?"

I shoot out of bed with a scream, hyperventilating my way to consciousness, my eyes darting around the small room, taking in the familiar surroundings and quickly realizing that it had all been a dream. No, not quite a dream, a nightmare. I close my eyes and calm myself, breathing in through the nose and out through my mouth, my heartbeat slowing down to its normal rythm. 'Breathe y/n... Just breathe...'  I think to myself before feeling something wet drip down my cheek. Am I seriously crying over stupid dream? THinking back to the dream I continue to tell myself that Eren's fine, that whoever attacked him hadn't actually gone through with it, he was safe and sound in his room. But what if they weren't? 'I'll just go check on him quickly...'

I slowly got out of bed and started walking towards my door. Then I started to walk towards the boys side of the bedrooms. I could feel the cool air hitting my bare legs, I do sleep in shorts you know, and a shiver is sent up my spine, some idiot forgot to close a window again. If I find out who they're dead.

When I arrive at Erens door I knock, sniveling a little as tears threaten to fall again when Eren doesn't instantly open the door. "Who is it?" Eren finally says with his cute sleepy voice. "Someone who needs to talk to her little titan shifter..." I answer quietly, trying not to wake anybody else, nobody needs to see that I'm crying, it wouldn't be good for my image. I was the best at cadet training, I even beat Mikasa in hand to hand combat. Combine that with my actrobatic skills and street smarts and you had a rather dangerous soldier. The last thing I now need is for people to think I'm weak, which I'm not, not anymore at least...

"Oh! Umm... hold on!" he calls from inside the room. As soon as he opens the door he sees the tears stream down my face, quickly hugging me. "I'm here, it'll be ok." His gentle whispers make me feel better, my stupid worries about him being hurt finally gone as I hear his heartbeat. 'Thank god...' We then head into his room. "y/n what happened?" he asks while rubbing my back, the two of us sitting down on his bed. "I had a nightmare..." I mumble, still ashamed that I let something that stupid get to me. "Want to talk about it?" I just nod and tell him every detail of my dream while Eren just listens, not interrupting me once.

The tears start streaming down my face even faster once I finish telling him everything. Just the thought of Eren, my best friend and little titan, dying, scared the living shit out of me. "Eren..." "Yes?" "Promise me that you won't let anyone kill you?" I see his expression change, after all, it was as strange promise that he probably couldn't keep. Everyone knew that people didn't trust him, he'd most likely be executed the moment humanity has the titans under control. And yet Eren doesn't even hesitate before responding, his voice determined. "I promise, I won't ever leave you." I let out a sigh of relied upon hering him say that, finally ceasing my stupid crying.

Fighting over me (Levi x Reader x Eren)Where stories live. Discover now