Ch.13: They Never Came...

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Sky stared out the bars blankly, waiting for those dreaded screams to start up.

He knew how Mitch was feeling at that moment, loss, longing, and most of all, hatred.

Sky hated the fact that yet another General had to face the screams of his people while he was locked up behind bars, but there was nothing he could do.

The squids had rendered him and the two other generals helpless.

Sky heaved a frustrated sigh and stood, stretching his cramped muscles.

Mitch looked up at him wearily, eyes filled with sadness.

"They haven't started yet," he whispered.

Sky nodded slowly and walked up to the bars, looking around.

"Are they changing it up?" He muttered to himself.

"Notch I hope not. I can't imagine what you have gone through."

Sky let his head hang slightly as he shook it slowly.

"I'm not happy about it either, but what makes it even worse is the fact you and Jerome have to share the pain with me."

"It's better than going through it alone, right?" Mitch asked.

Sky smiled slightly, but shook his head again. "Not really. If anything it makes it worse."

Mitch stood and joined the General at the bars.

"We have to get out of here."

Sky sighed. "Can't, for once the squids are using their brains."

Mitch laughed. "They have brains the size of seeds!"

"If that's true, then how were they able to take us down?"

Mitch fell silent after that, his gaze moving to the floor.

"What kind of sick, twisted thing are they trying to accomplish through this?"

Sky again shook his head. "I don't know Mitch, nor do I want to find out."

Mitch had opened his mouth to reply, but shut it as the door at the end of the hallway squeaked open and King Squid appeared with two of his minions.

"Take the one in the checkered hoodie, we have a surprise in store for him." the king ordered, it's black eyes flashing with malice at Mitch.

The newest prisoner gasped and backed up to the wall, not knowing wether to try and fight or let it happen.

The two squids wrapped their tenticals around both of Mitch's wrists and dragged him out, locking the cell door behind him.

"Stay strong, Mitch!" Sky called after him as the two squids disappeared from Sky's sight.

The king grinned at Sky before walking out of the room.

Sky growled a curse and sat next to Jerome, waking the bacca up.

"What happened?" He slurred.

"Ever heard of the Benjas?"

Jerome's eyes widened. "They were our closest allays! Don't tell me they're here too."

Sky nodded sadly. "The squids got them, they just dragged their General away."

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