Ch.16: The First Sorcerer

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A few days passed and nothing happened.

No squids walked or slithered into the dungeon. No screams echoed down the halls. No new generals.

It scared Sky.

Jerome hadn't moved from the corner still, although Sky finally convinced him to eat and drink a little.

Anytime Sky tried talking to him, Jerome would either ignore him, or growl threateningly.

By now, Sky had given up on trying to cheer up the broken General and just sat around, napping or planning an escape.

But the general couldn't shake the thought that there was something going on that was bigger than Sky could even imagine.

He was right though, for as he was fighting the sickening feeling, the squids were interrogating an unfortunate girl that they had found wandering around their base.

"Who are you?" The king hissed.

The girl narrowed her emerald green eyes.

"Why should I tell you?" She growled.

"Because if you do, we will free you."

"You think I care about my freedom over my commander's?" She sneered, her eyes flashing with annoyance.

"Well, what if we promised to leave your commander alone?"

The girl hesitated.

"Your name girl." The king growled.

"Hope." She muttered.

"Hope? What an interesting name."

The girl glared. "Judging by your attitude there isn't much hope around here is there."

The king chuckled and ran a tentical under her chin, forcing her to look into his dark gaze.

"Hope is nonexistent here, sweetie."

In one swift motion it slashed a lapis sword across her chest, cutting through her blue sweatshirt and purple undershirt.

She cried out in pain and slumped forward slightly, seething in pain.

"What was that for." She grunted.

"Don't know. I felt like it really. Who's your general?"

"W-Why should I tell you? You're just going to hurt me again."

The king slashed at her again, this time her arm.

The fabric showing an enchantment table on her sweatshirt ripped in half.

She cried out again.

"Seto! Seto is my commander." She weeped.

The king smirked. "See where a little cooperation gets you?"

The girl whimpered and adverted her gaze to her black shoes.

"Take her to the lab room. She'll make an excellent addition." the king smirked evilly.

Two squids gagged her so she couldn't speak, then untied her bonds, retying them a second later and leading her away.

They shoved her into the lab room just like their king had ordered and tied her to the table.

The second the gag was taken off, hope started to yell words in Latin.

"Ianuae magicae!" She exclaimed, her hands glowing a sky blue color. (Latin Translation: Teleport)

When nothing happened, her eyes widened and she tried it again.

"Stop waisting your breath, Hope, your magic doesn't work in those bonds." The king sneered, walking into the room.

Hope glared but stayed quiet.

"Let's get this going shall we." the king asked, plunging a syringe into Hope's arm.

She screamed out of surprise and pain, squirming and writhing in the metal cuffs on the table.

A few minutes later she fell limp against the cold metal of the table.

The king grinned maniacally and walking around the table, taking in Hope's appearance.

Not much had changed, just a few scratches had appeared across her arms and legs.

The king frowned slightly.

He had wanted some sign of her being a squid.

All feelings of disappointment faded away as Hope's eyes fluttered open to reveal two, deep royal blue ones.

The king laughed evilly as the squids untied her.

He had his first sorcerer recruit.

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