Ch.12: Mitch's Arrival

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Mitch hacked and slashed through the hoard of squids, determination driving him forward.

He had witnessed the ruthless kidnapping and killing of his army members and was determined to not let their loss be in vain.

After a while one squid managed to stab the general in the side, bringing him to his knees.

As if it were some signal, the surrounding squids jumped the wounded general and held him down.

Mitch squirmed and yelled for them to let him go, but they only gripped him tighter.

He swore as a squid hit his open side and tried to push it away.

Part of the crowd parted to reveal a taller, stronger looking humanoid that smirked down at the general.

Mitch growled another curse, realizing they were winning, and struggled harder.


The squids tossed him into a cell and slammed the door shut behind him, smirking at him as they slithered away.

Mitch yelled a few curses after them then looked around his small cell, holding his bandaged side.

It was then he realized he wasn't alone.

There was a man curled up in the corner, his tear-stained face reflecting his sorrow and misery.

And then there was the hybrid asleep against the wall next to Mitch.

"Who are you?" He asked, his voice shaky.

"General Sky of the Sky Army, the bacca over there is Jerome, General of the Bacs." The man curled up in the corner muttered hoarsely.

Jerome... that name sounded familiar.

"You're both generals?" Mitch asked, his voice wavering a bit.

Sky nodded slowly. "You're one too aren't you?"

"Yeah... My name's Mitch, General of the Benjas."

"Nice to meet you Mitch, although I'd like to say you'll have a great stay..."

"Is it that bad here?"

Sky nodded again. "It's worse than the Nether."

Mitch cringed. "What do they do?"

"Did any of your recruits get captured?"

"Yeah... Oh notch don't tell me they torture them in front of you."

Sky chuckled darkly. "You'll wish that's all they do."

"W-What happened to y-your recruits?"

"All turned against me, same with Jerome's. I won't be surprised if they do the same to yours."

Mitch cursed. "No, Notch no. Please notch no."

Sky fell silent, a sympathetic frown spreading across his face.

"Why? W-Why do they want them?"

"Because they know it'll hurt us more than physical torture. Forcing us to watch our recruits fulfill the squid's demands breaks us much more than whips or knives could."

"H-How do you know?"

"I've been in here the longest, been trough the most pain, and I've watched things happen to my recruits. Those stupid squids have put my recruits and I through so much crap it's not even humane."

"Well, they are squids." Mitch muttered, earning a glare from Sky.

"But I see what you mean." he added quickly.

Sky nodded and uncurled himself.

"Get comfortable, the screams will start soon."


"Of your recruits. The squids normally start to turn them a few minutes after their General wakes up."

Mitch sighed, dreading the time the screams are supposedly going to start, and slid over to the wall where Jerome was sleeping.

He closed his eyes and prepared for the worst.

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