Ch.14: Mitch's Compliance

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Mitch was shoved into a large, white room, the door slammed shut behind him.

He stumbled to his feet quickly and spun around to take in the room.

There was a wall of glass at the other side of the square shaped room that appeared to view a lab room.

Mitch swallowed a lump in his throat and walked towards it, curiosity getting the better of him.

The sight was terrifying, scarring, even making the poor general whimper a little.

Sarah was tied to the lab table in the other room, screaming words Mitch could not hear due to the glass.

The General ran up to the glass and pressed his hand against it, his wide eyes taking in the scene.

The Squid King walked into the lab slowly, as if enjoying the horrifying sight.

It spoke a few words to the girl, who's gaze hardened as the King spoke on.

Mitch wondered what made Sarah so tense as the king slowly pulled out a syringe filled with dark blue liquid.

That's when it hit him.

He watched Sarah struggle against the metal restraints as the king approached her, placing the needle against her tan skin.

She growled something at it and the needle was slowly pushed into her arm.

"No! King Squid, don't you dare!" Mitch called out.

But it was too late.

The king had pushed the plunger down, leaking the dark liquid into Sarah's bloodstream.

The girl's eyes squeezed shut as all her muscles tensed and pulled against the cuffs, her mouth open in a soundless scream.

Mitch screamed as well, banging his fist against the glass.

"What are you doing to her?! Stop!" He cried.

The king looked up at the window and almost right into Mitch's eyes, his own flashing with malice.

"Let her go!" He yelled.

The king shook his head slowly and turned to the struggling girl.

Her brown hair started to darken to a deep black color, the purple highlights turning royal blue.

Two slimy tenticals penetrated the cloth of her black hoodie, slithering their way down from her back to the cuffs on her hands.

Mitch could just imagine the pain she was going through as the tenticals tore at the cuffs.

Then, all resisting seised at once and Sarah fell limp.

"No!" Mitch screamed, banging against the glass again. "Sarah, no!"

Her eyes fluttered open and she stared up at the glass, her eyes locking with Mitch's.

The general gasped at the sight of her eyes.

One of them was a lighter green, seeming to be almost clouded over, while the other was a deep, dark royal blue.

The king smirked, then turned to the glass.

"Your recruits belong to me now Mitchell. Compliance is the only stop to this."

Mitch slid down the wall of glass, sobbing slightly.

"Will you change them all back?" He whimpered.

The king grinned evilly. "Is that a yes?"

"Change them all back first-" he inhaled shakily, hanging his head "-then I'll comply."

"Good boy. Put him with the others!"

Mitch heard the door opening behind him and two slimy tenticals wrapped around his wrists.

They dragged him back to the cell and set him inside, slamming the door behind him.

"Biggums? what happened?"

"Don't tell me you gave in Mitch."

Mitch looked up at Sky and Jerome, his whole body shaking.

"I'm sorry."

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