Ch.22: Escape Plan

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The walls shook as a loud boom echoed through the cell hallway.

Jason jumped slightly as dust flew towards him and the two squids.

Noticing they had their guard down, Jason took advantage of the opportunity and took one of their swords, killing them both.

"What the nether was that?!" A voice called at the end of the dungeon.

Jason jogged up to a cell and gasped at what he saw.

The missing Generals, well, most of them, sat before him.

"Who are you?" One of them asked, green headphones illuminating part of his face.

"I'm Jason, General of the Stars. What happened to you guys?" Jason asked, taking note of their dirty and ripped clothes.

"Days of torture, totally don't recommend staying here. Mind to help us out?" A man with an amulet asked.

Jason nodded and walked over to the two dead squids, returning a second later with a key.

The man with headphones was the first to rush out, looking around frantically, then followed by the bacca and lastly the man with an amulet.

"What was that explosion?" The one with the amulet asked.

Jason shrugged. "Don't ask me uhhh...."

"I'm Sky, the fluffy creature is Jerome, and that's Ty."

Jason nodded. "Got it, well, considering I was about to join you in your comfy looking cell, I have no clue as to what the explosion was."

Ty opened his mouth to speak, but snapped it shut as footsteps echoed through the small dungeon.

At the end of the hallway, a group of men and women burst through the settling dust.

Two of the men, Jason recognized as Ian and Quentin, his army's closest trade partners.

"Ian? Quentin? What are you doing here?" Jason asked.

"We're busting you out. When did you get caught?" Ian asked.

"Just a few seconds ago, I was trying to compromise with them so my army wouldn't be captured, but the squids had other plans." Jason explained, sadly.

"You tried to compromise with them? That's a smart idea." He mumbled sarcastically, earning a small glare from the new general.

"Anyway, you guys want to go?" One of the girls asked. "Your other friends that were in a different cell are waiting outside." she explained, her antennae on her head twitching.

Jason nodded and walked forward, the other generals following.

"Hey what do you think you're doing!" A derpy voice called from the end of the hallway.

"Book it!" Sky exclaimed as the group started to sprint.

They ran down countless hallways and through many doors to escape the random squid guard.

Just as they were about to get to the door, the girl who had spoken up earlier tripped and fell, yelping slightly.

Sky skidded to a stop and bent down to help her up.

"You guys go! I've got her!" He called to the group.

Ty looked back and stopped for a second, then nodded and continued on.

"I-I think I sprained my ankle. I-It hurts." she cried.

Sky looked up and saw the squid gaining ground on the two.

Acting quickly, he picked the girl up bridal style and ran off again.

Then, suddenly, the girl wasn't in his arms, but right next to him, her foot out to trip him.

Sky couldn't react fast enough and crashed to the ground, groaning slightly.

The girl smirked and ran after the others, the squid that was chasing them grabbing the man and picking him up.

Sky struggled to break away, but the squid gripped him tighter.

"All of your friends escaped with their recruits. Now, it's just you stuck here." the squid sneered, taking Sky down an all too familiar hallway.

It slithered into the torture room and tied Sky to the pole, leaving a few seconds later.

He was left behind.

They left me.

They don't care, they don't like you Adam. They just wanted their freedom, that's all they cared about.

And now look at you, you're stuck in this hell hole, completely alone.

Good job, Adam, your so called friends left you to die.

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