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" I'd never given much thought to how I would die.."

Summer rolls her eyes as she glanced through her cousins, Isabella Marie Swan (or as she liked to go by, Bella), dramatic diary. Isabella never seemed like the type to be dramatic, however, this was more dramatic on her part. It made her seem very suicidal. She was such a drama queen when it came to life.

If there was someone who should be dramatic, it should be her.

Every time she closed her eyes, the stars darted her vision. The moon, the stars, and the cosmos- they all spoke to her, chanting for her to submit to them fully. There was nothing that she could do but ignore them to the fullest. Being a Child of the Moon is completely one of those harder tasks when it came to tuning out things, however, it gave her company.

Isabella walked into Summers room, and glanced at Summer, who had quickly thrown the journal aside in one of the many boxes that were stacked around the room when she heard footsteps approaching the door.

Isabella did nothing but glance at the girl, who was stretched out on her back with her eyes closed. She seemed asleep.

Picking one of the folded quilts up from off of the floor, she opened it, and placed it over the girl so that she wouldn't get cold from the central air that seemed to make the entire house cold in under thirty seconds.

"I know you were reading my journal Summer," she mutters, and sits on the side of the bed. She stares at her seemingly figure intently, willing her to open her eyes,  until Summer slowly opens her eyes, uncomfortable with the gaze upon her body. You could always tell when someone was staring at you, and boy, was Isabella staring at her cousin. The deep vast of Summer's bright blue eyes stared into Bellas soul, and she felt herself getting lost, once more, in the universe beyond her eyes.

Summer was very gorgeous, without a doubt. When she first moved into Renee's home, and started going to school with Bella, that was all everybody pointed out. Bella felt herself getting very disgusted at the fact that she was getting cast aside as Summer became the brightness in the room, contrary to her name. Then, it had gotten worse for Bella.

People would say that they could pass off as twins. Bella didn't see this of course, considering the fact that her hair was brown, and Summers, at the time was a deep black, however, lots of people insisted over and over again that they were twins. It took a lot of convincing Summer that dying her hair would make her look better.

And even after she dyed her hair platinum blonde, it did nothing for her issues seeing that she wanted to make her look worse by suggesting such a horrible color, but it did the complete opposite .

While Bella seemed to be lost in Summers eyes, Summer analyzed the girl in front of her. She didn't seem as suicidal as she let off in the journal. Isabella Swan was not her favorite person, however, she cared deeply for the girl. She felt so much love for Renee, and Isabella for taking her in- even Phil. Without Isabella, she wouldn't have made friends, she wouldn't have even gone out and about.

And yet, here she was using her powers to trap the girl in her eyes to look her over.

"It's only to make sure she isn't harming herself," Summer muttered, as she kept Isabella in her trance, picking up the girls wrist to look them over, staring intently for any scars, or wounds. When nothing was able to be found, she returned back to the position she was in, and blinked, causing Isabella to snap out of her trance.

"Are you going to kill yourself Isabella?" Summer whispers, making sure to keep her voice as light as it could go so that the vents wouldn't carry their conversation around the house. She had been a victim to it before. She'd stayed up late talking to the stars the entire night, and the next morning, she was interrogated by Renee about hearing her plans to sneak out and 'be one.' Of course it was horrible when she put it that way, but, considering the fact that she didn't hear the other end of the conversation, it was alright that she was alarmed at that.

Bella narrows her eyebrows at the blonde .

"No," she defensively wraps her arms around herself, and shakes her head. "I," her voice trails off, and she glances out of the window. Summer waited patiently for her cousin to regain her words.

Isabella despised her cousin.

"Just forget it Summer," Bella suddenly breaks the silence, and stood, her shiny brown hair swinging in her eyes. "Just because your mother forced you out of her life, doesn't mean I want you to force yourself into mine." Bella rips the quilt off of Summer that she'd just placed on her minutes prior, balls it up in her hands before tossing it accross the room.

"I don't need somebody like you," Bella grits out, as she glances towards the door. "I don't need you in my life." As she turns out the room, she slams the door, which caused the wall to shake a little as the slam ricocheted throughout the room.

Summer closes her eyes, as she feels the tears well up in them.

She wasn't wanted in the world, and yet, Isabella was the one that felt like she wasn't wanted.

We want you Summer.

Please don't cry Summer.

The stars outside of her window whispered to her, and Summer felt her heart sink into her stomach. They were the only ones that wanted her... but there was always Charlie.

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