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By the time she'd drove to Renee's old house, Summer was completely tired. She'd stayed up the entire night driving with a purpose, not even stopping to use the bathroom. And to make matters worse, her ankle was completely on fire, signaling that she needed to keep the cast on, or that she needed to probably go to physical therapy before using it to drive and walk around as if she hadn't jumped out a window.

Taking the key out of the ignition, Summer yawns, and opens the car door. The lights off in the house signaled that nobody was here meaning that Isabella had either pulled off to stop somewhere, or she was sleep. Either way, she was going to end up in the house, which was all Summer wanted. She wanted to fight the pale brunette for hurting Charlie.

Slowly, she walks up the front steps, and reaches under one of the potted plants, pulling the spare key, before unlocking the door. She quickly shuts, and locks it behind her, before she stalks off into the bathroom to relieve herself. She'd wanted to brush her teeth.

James followed Isabella's sent all the way back to this house, but what he wasn't expecting was another girl. He watches after she walks out the bathroom, shaking her hands dry, and sits at the top of the steps, as she seems to do a complete look through around the house.

He'd gotten what he came for, which was a simple tape to blackmail Isabella with, but, he could get so much more from this one human. He watches her limp into the kitchen, before using his speed to stand in the doorway of the kitchen, making his presence known to Summer, who was in the process of making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

"No, Love," James says, looking at the dazed, and surprised look on Summers face. "Don't do that, sweetheart," he mumbles, pushing away from the door. "You can eat your food Love," he says, using his speed to stand behind Summer, slowly taking the oversized coat off of her shoulders.

With shaking hands, Summer dipped the knife into the peanut butter, slowly so that she couldn't make a mistake slipping up to attack the vampire behind her. She was too tired to entertain anyone right now.

James grabs onto her hands gently, behind her, and helps her shaking hands make the sandwich, feeding off the fear that seemed to roll off Summer in waves. Once the peanut butter was done, he puts it over top of the jelly stained bread, and lifts Summer on the counter so that he was between her legs.

"Eat," he snarls to Summer, who was completely terrified, and exhausted. She'd wanted to use every ounce of her powers on this perverted man between her legs, but she was too tired, so she ate.

"Lookie here," James glides his fingers across the scars on her thighs, which were visible due to her pajama shorts that she'd decided to wear. "There's so many of them, Love," he uses both of his cold fingers to slide across Summers thighs, at the scars the seemed to overlap themselves, as he began to make his way higher and higher up. "I wonder how far they go?" He jokes.

Stuffing the sandwich into her mouth, very unladylike Summer forces herself to quickly chew, as tears sprung up in her eyes, falling down her cheeks.

"Oh you're done already?" James finally glances up from Summer, his hands almost completely in a forbidden area. Summer nods quickly, her black hair falling in her eyes. Using his hands, James pushes the pieces out of her face before placing his hand on the side of her face.

Summer slowly starts to recoil away.

"Don't do that Love," he says, as he grabs the side of her face tighter, and Summer can feel the blood come to her mouth as she uses whatever bit of the cosmos that she had in her to propel herself backwards across the counter, and onto the kitchen floor.

Sobbing, she uses her hands and knees to get away from the unknown vampire, knowing that her ankle wasn't going to last.

James smiles in a sinister way, as he turns the camera on. A mouse getting away from the cat. What a rush.

Using his speed, he pulls Summer by her bad ankle, causing her to whimper in pain,as he slides her across the floor.

"You're such a tease, Love," he sadistically says to Summer as he began to pull her ankle once more, snapping the bone, which gave her the opportunity to scream, the cosmos spelling out "AHHH", in the air, boldly, AHH as they take place of a katana, slicing off James's ponytail, much to Summers distaste , she was going for his head.

"Oh you're gifted,Love?" He asks, and confidently let out a laugh, as he brought the struggling girl closer to his face.

"I would love someone as talented as you to be mine," he whispers, and then gently placing two fingers onto the pressure point on the side of her neck, he watched as Summer began to sleep, smiling at the girls body began relaxing onto the floor. He'd gotten everything he needed, and then some more.

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