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"It was an accident," Jasper reassures Summer as she began to pace the length of his room. Moments after leaving, he'd received a phone call from Rosalie who had basically demanded him to come home. She'd wanted Esme to calm down, and she did immediately when she saw Jasper, embracing him into a tight hug. She apologized profusely to Summer before disappearing.

Now, in his own room, Jasper began to think. Normally, when a person seemed to have complex and very difficult emotions, Jasper would've used his gift to make them calm down by sending the emotion towards them, projecting it into the atmosphere, however, with Summer, it was as if he couldn't directly help her because the new emotion had to seemingly swim through others to get through to her. And now he knew why- she had the cosmos; the emotion literally had to go through space to get to her.

"And you," she whips around pointing her finger towards him , and Jasper was hit with the emotion of betrayal, the feeling being so thick that it made him flinch. "Why the hell are you always growling and hissing?" she asks while placing her hands on her hips stubbornly.

"Truthfully?" Jasper stands from his couch in his room and walks over to Summer, placing a hand overtop of her finger, and immediately he could tell that she was calm from the betrayal that was displayed moments prior. He took a mental note on how direct touches worked for her, and motions towards the couch.

"We're vampires," he admits, watching Summer who simply rolled her eye. Scoffing she shook her head. "It's obvious that you are," she states, crossing her arms. "But why are you always doing it?" She was confused. There was honestly no reason as to why he hissed twenty four seven.

"What do you mean that it was obvious?" Jasper laughs, taken aback from her blatant statement. She shrugs her shoulders, "You're pale and you hiss. Unless you guys are part cat?" She jokes, and stretches her good leg out and over Jasper. It'd hurt when she walked up the steps of the cosmos, but it was honestly worth it to intimidate Edward freaking Cullen, the man who'd thought walking in circles was the way to do it.

"No," he chuckles, and placed a hand on her knee, "You're right," he rubs her knee. "But, I am drawn towards you," he looks down at her legs, the dress rising up a little to reveal the uneven skin, finally, he glances up at her eyes. Summer was flustered, completely, her face was red, the hereditary trait betraying her, as she shuffled a bit on the seat, so that she wouldn't move her leg off of the blonde haired god next to her.

"What do you mean?" She asks, clearing her throat, visibly flustered as the tips of her ears began to get red while she turns to look into his gold specks. He made her feel as if she was completely weightless, which was something that she'd only feel when she was in the cosmos, seeing that there isn't any gravity there. Jasper chuckles, and grabs her hand, his cold hands completely being enveloped in hers. "I mean that every time I think of you, I can't help but wonder why my undead heart skips a beat."

Summer laughs. It was completely corny. Jasper Hale was one of the corniest people she knew and here he was, a vampire, saying that she made his heart beat. "Well," she chokes out through the laughter. "If I make your heart beat, you make my sky fall," she burst out in laughter once more, and he joins, finally, for once in his life feeling as if he could be his self.

The sound echoes throughout the house, making everyone that remained downstairs smile a little. Jasper was happy; Jasper found somebody that made him happy.

 Jasper was happy; Jasper found somebody that made him happy

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