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Isabella Swan was a person that Summer had grown to fear now that she'd thought of it. Bella never actually gave her the validation that she should've deserved. Instead it was complete disgust, and even attempts to end her life was what she received.

At first Bella did, they'd got along perfectly when Summer had first moved in , however, it seems as if she had lost interest in Summer over and over again.

As if Summer was a toy.

Summer never understood how she ended up with a broken ankle, she wasn't really present during the time, however, Alice had told her that she had hopped off of a roof to get away from Isabella.

What she did understand was that Isabella had tried to kill her. More than once.

She was slipping further and further into the cosmos as she felt her body began to relax against the bathtub as her spirit left it. It was only temporary considering the fact that right now she was utterly confused as to why her cousin tried to kill her.

"Maybe this time you'll stay dead," she heard, the voice sound echoey, and deep. She'd tried to kill me before?

Summer had no idea how she ended up in the Cullens household because once more, she wasn't really all there, however, what she did know was that she was absolutely smart that she hadn't given up her cosmos completely because without them, she would be dead.

Summer had told Charlie that she had slipped and fallen into a small lake in the water, regarding the cast on her leg, and that she was going to be okay, personally because the old man would worry until every hair on head was grey, however, she knew the truth that deep down inside, she wasn't.

Jasper however, was absolutely one of the only reasons that she was okay.

Despite Summer being who she was, she never actually understood why he hung out with her. She loved his hair however, and sometimes, whenever he'd come over , much to Charlie's dismay , she played in it while he 'slept'. It was one of the absolutely the most softest things she'd ever felt in the world.

Charlie of course, was completely reluctant to any visits that Summer had with Jasper. Not because he was a Cullen, because the Cullens have really good records, it was because he was a boy. Summer was too innocent for another person to take advantage of her, and he was prepared for this one because if any one of them would, he would shoot them with the shotgun that he kept in the house.

However, he didn't have an issue with it that much as long as she kept my bedroom door open, which , she did, although there was a great fear in Summer that Isabella was going to come and try to stab her up like a maniacally insane Chucky Doll.

"I never actually told you my classes, you know," Summer tells Jasper, as they walk down the very crowded hallway of Forks high school. He had began picking her up from classes about a week ago, and still hasn't stopped. Summers crutches clicked as she used them, the neon blue cast being filled of tiny doodles made by Rosalie, Emmett, and Alice of course.

"You didn't need to Darlin'," Jasper replies pulling her backpack further up on his shoulder, the black bag was completely almost full due to all of the composition notebooks that she'd carried inside, he found it quite darling that she was so organized; Summer preferred to have one tiny notebook per class rather than one binder full of all of the work. "I requested your schedule from the office." He smiles slyly to her.

Summer laughs, and smacks his chest with one of her hands before turning the corner. It was lunch time now, one of the few periods that she'd had with Isabella, and saying that she was scared was basically a lie. She was completely terrified. Jasper could feel the fear rolling off of her, attacking his body in waves.

"What did you bring for lunch today," he asked, attempting to distract her. Summer turns to him, and sighs before hobbling over to her usual table with Rosalie, Emmett, and Alice. For some unknown reason, Edward had always kept his distance from the black haired girl, and it didn't bother her at all, however, it made it kind of awkward at lunch.

"I just have some Alfredo," Summer answers Jasper as she sat in her usual place beside Alice. "Well," Alice began as she clasped her hands around Summer's arm, giving it a slight squeeze before they'd immediately went lax, with Alice staring off into space.

The others knew that she was having a vision.

Summer took a glance at Alice and shrugs her shoulders before reaching into her backpack to pull out the lunch bag. It was a tiny pink bag with purple polka dots that Charlie had picked up from Murphy's when he'd went to visit Isabella. He'd brought him a blue one, and even brought Isabella a green one, but she declined saying that she would rather prefer school food rather than carry food.

Alice looked exactly like what she had whenever Summer had visited the cosmos in front of the mirror, so Summer paid it no mind, Alice was one of the people that had helped her. She shouldn't question her.

Edward juts an eyebrow whenever Summer mentions the cosmos once more. Of course she was thinking about it, and seeing though he couldn't attack Bella's mind, he would try to penetrate hers. It was as if the stars and the moon lived inside of it, the thoughts being so vast that he'd often had to play a tune in his head to make sure that he was tied to reality.

"What's the cosmos?" he finally speaks up, glancing to Summer who was eating her Alfredo, the cheesy noodles being her favorite thing in the world. Summer swallows, "The cosmos are the stars." She rolls her eyes.

That was the most basic answer that she could give him without lying, which, Summer hated to do. Lying made her feel as if she had no control in her life because she'd known once you lied once, you had to lie some more to cover the first lie, and lie again and again until all of the lies were contained and controlled.

"Would you like to come over for dinner," Alice finishes her statement as she snaps out of the vision. Another murder attempt by Isabella to her cousin. It was bloody this time, and Bella has intended for it to be during dinner time when she'd known that Summer would be in the kitchen cooking dinner for Charlie. Alice couldn't allow that.

Edward snarls at the vision as Alice replayed it through her brain. Isabella, his beautiful brown haired blood singer was stabbing Summer over and over again, the rips in the flesh allowing blood to pool all over her hands and on to the floor. At first Summer had began to scream, however, the scream died down as Bella went over and over again.

It wasn't like she was in the cosmos this time. She was dead. Isabella then turned the knife on herself. To make it seem like somebody had broke into their household, she had to make it believable. She'd stabbed herself in the arm, and in her thigh.

Edward stands abruptly before storming off.

"Aside from whatever that was," Summer replies motioning to Edwards retreating figure as he made his way over to her cousin, grabbing her hand and leading her into the forest. "I would love to."


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