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Summer couldn't breathe.

She knew that.

Bella was holding her head under water.

She also knew that.

She needed to breathe.

No duh.

Bella watched as her cousin began to thrash under her very firm grip, as she kept her under the water. She was tired of Summer. She had wanted to make the last incident look like a suicide, she planned it out very well- wake up before Summer usually does, and place a pillow over her face, suffocating her until she died.

Charlie had gotten in the way of that one.

She didn't know how she was going to play this one off, but she knew that she had to do it.

Summer began to slip, as she tried to place her hand on the rim of the bathtub, which forced her top half deeper into the water. Bella's smile was bigger at this.

Summer could feel herself losing the oxygen that she had already stored in her lungs, and unfortunately she took in a deep breath when her cousin had came behind her. It was out of instinct and shock, but now, she couldn't breathe.

Bella watched the bubbles swim up to the surface as she help Summer deeper in the water, who splashing, and thrashing about, as the water began to get onto her very own clothes. Summer however, was drenched.

Thinking of her happiness, Summer began to think on The Cosmos as she felt herself begin to slip deeper into the water. There was no way Isabella would let her go. Summer had done it countless of times before- made herself fall into her own cosmos forcibly which essentially was the soul leaving her body. Quite recently, it had happened when she was first introduced to Jasper.

His bright yellow eyes stared into her piercing blue ones, and she felt her tongue go dry. He was definitely somebody that she knew she could trust.

He didn't say anything, and yet, she knew his voice was just as beautiful as Alice's. His hair fell at the base of his neck, just at the top of his shoulders, and had its own curl to it- none like Rosalie's, which were perfection in their own way, but his were magnificent- they were art.

She didn't know what he meant to her.

But she knew that she was willing to risk it all to find out.

She slipped into the familiarity.

The bubbles disappeared from the surface, quite gently, signifying the of life in Summers body was gone which made Bella let go. Her entire body was soaked in water, as well as the bathroom floor, but she didn't care.

"Maybe this time you'll stay dead," Bella mumbles, and walks out of the bathroom, her shoes squeaking across the wooden floor, as she walked to her room. Leaving puddles of water in her wake.

After hearing Isabella shut her door and turn on music, Summer, who had been floating on the edge of life and her cosmos, pulled herself out of the water slowly, and sucked in a deep breath, as she felt the water find its way down her lungs. Most in which she had silently choked up, the water coming out of her lungs adding to the water that was on the bathroom floor.

She had to be quiet.

Getting the towels that were in the linen closet, she placed them on the floor. Charlie liked to use the bathroom in the dark, and she didn't want him to slip and hurt himself in the bathroom.

She was in shock.

Sliding across the bathroom floor, Summer quickly crawls into her room, and shuts the door behind her.
Taking her phone out she decides to send a text to Alice.

'Can you pick me up?'

- -

She didn't want to leave her room. Isabella would find her, she would 10/10 try to kill her again. The only way plausible was to jump off of the roof- and that's exactly what she did.

If Alice would've known Summer's future, she would've never allowed it all to happen, however, as she was speeding to the Swan household, she was pulled into a vision.

Summer had broken her ankle.

Summer watched as a car began to pull up, and immediately, ran to it, not caring how much pressure she'd put on her foot that felt like it was completely dead.

As soon as she got into the car, Alice turned right around and went 150, completely above the speed limit as she navigated her way back to her household.

Summer was completely out of it, by the time she'd gotten to the house.

The Cullens were waiting outside of the house when she'd pulled up.

Taking action, Carlisle was the first over, using his speed to take her out of the car. Her clothes and body were completely drenched in water, which he didn't seem to mind, as he pulled her close while he sped her back to his house.

Taking a flashlight from out of his pocket, he shined the light into her eyes, searching for a pupillary response, however, what he did receive was one that was completely dilated, while the other one was covered in stars.

The stars danced in her eyesight, all over the pupil. The entire socket was full of stars. Summer was there in the stars, able to glance out if she'd wanted to, but there, inside, she rested with the Moon Goddess completely tired.

"Oh my word," he gasps, and Esme, who had been standing beside him with blankets froze. Rosalie, who was right beside Carlisle with clothes in her hands, glanced over, and gasped. If they'd wanted to, they could glance harder and see the girl in her head, however, it was a shock.

It proved Alice's point.

"Pay attention Carlisle," Jasper hissed out, completely paying attention to Summer, who had not uttered a word since she'd gotten there. He grabbed her hand, a gesture to let her know that he was there with her, but she wasn't completely there to hold his hand back, so it was her him grasping on to her lax fingers.

Seconds later, Alice, who had been waiting in the room as well  gasped as she was pulled into a vision. While Carlisle worked on getting a pupillary response, to the girl, the others waited patiently not wanting to get in his way.

Suddenly Alice began to cough. The vampires glance in horror as she began to choke up water. It was almost as if she'd been drowned, however, everyone had known that vampires could not drown. Too much was going on at once.

"Cosmos," Summer whispered, and the words Cosmos spelled over top of her head before disappearing in a bright light.

Completely aware as to what was going on now, Summer glances at her surroundings as she awakens . She was in a house, however, it was a hospital as well. Confusion.

"Your ankle is broken," Carlisle says gently as she took in her surroundings, while he pulled off Summer's shoes which were drenched in water as well. Rosalie steps in as Summers eyes star over one more, signaling that she was out if conscious one more, and rips away at the sweatpants, which were soaked to her skin.

She, however, was not prepared for the thousands and thousands of self harm scars covering her legs, and froze as soon as she'd saw them. Carlisle, who had treated Summer previously recalled seeing how many times she was admitted into the psyche ward and paid it no mind.

If Rosalie could cry she could.

In fact, if any of them could cry, they would.

Summer was a sweat and innocent soul- why would she do that?

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