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The last place where Summer expected herself to be at was a hospital. The steady beeping of a monitor gave it away, she didn't even have to open her eyes to see the probably dull room. What she didn't know was what had happened. Summer reaches her hand over to feel the IV in her arm, and a cold one stops it.

"Sorry Ms. Swan, you can't touch that," Carlisle Cullen, one of the best doctors in Forks, speaks. He had come in to check in on the girl, insisted of course by Jasper, who had freaked out the moment that he'd heard that she was in the hospital. But given the fact that he was one of the best surgeons in Forks, they did not question him coming in and taking over the girls case.

"Well," Summer frowns, and peeks her eyes open. They felt as if they were covered in crust, and she could only imagine how she looked. Standing to her left was a very drop dead gorgeous man with very blonde hair. His eyes were a golden color that immediately mimicked the other Cullen kids' at school, which signaled that he was either related to them, or their father.

"You gave Charlie quite a scare," Carlisle says to her, as he reached over to the table to pour her a cup of water, knowing that she was probably thirsty . Summer turns over to her left, and notices Charlie, who had fallen asleep in an uncomfortable hospital chair snoring slightly.

Carlisle extends the glass to Summer, who had politely took the glass, and took a well needed sip from the cold water which seemed to water her incredible Sahara Desert dry throat.

"Thank you for the water," she says politely, as she finishes the glass in one gulp. Carlisle gently takes the glass out of her hand, and sits it on the table.

"I literally have no idea what happened," Summer admits to a Carlisle who had looked as if he was going to question her. Carlisle glances at her, as she continued speaking. "One minute I was with the cosmos, and then the next, I wasn't," Summer finishes, as she stares in her hand. Did the cosmos do this to her?

Was her power the reason that she ended up here?

To her, the cosmos were her simple religion. It was a general something that she praised day in and day out. So why in the world were they punishing her?

"And the cosmos are.." his voice trailed off as he glances at Summer who had been analyzing her hands.

She didn't say anything, signaling that she was done. Ignoring Carlisle, Summer turned toward Charlie, and closed her eyes, signaling that she didn't want to talk to him anymore. Was that the way of her body telling her that it doesn't even want her?

- -

The second night of the hospital , Summer was awaken by shouting. Charlie, and... her mother. She was used to this because it has happened most of her life.

Sitting up, she rubs her eyes, causing slight stars to appear in them, and she frowns a little, hating the fact that her cosmos did, in fact, try to kill her when they were only supposed to protect her... at least, that's what the moon goddess told her.

Autumn looked like hell. Her light brown hair was pulled into a messy bun on top of her head, and big, purple circles were under her eyes.

She didn't look as if she was on drugs anymore, which shocked Summer completely, because the last time she'd seen her mother, the woman was strung out, frail, and very sickly, however, it looked as if she was completely healthy.

"I don't understand why you called me Charlie," Autumn bites out towards her brother as her cheeks heat up in anger.

That's one thing that Summer remembered about her mother. She seemed to blush almost as much as Summer, in the exact same places, and she did it quite often. Maybe it was hereditary, the blushing, but it often annoyed Summer, maybe it annoyed her mom in the same way?

"I called you because maybe you would like to know how she was doing?" Charlie shouts back, clearly angry, as he began to tint pink with rage. Blushing obviously was something hereditary that maybe missed Bella, seeing that the girl was sickly pale. Summer hasn't really seen Charlie like this at all, and it was quite strange. The man seemed very tired.

Glancing down to take in her mother's appearance, the hair, the face... she notices a bump. A quite big bump. Her mother was pregnant, very pregnant. It looked as if she was around 8 months, about to pop. A wedding band glistened on one of her fingers, as she placed her hand on her swollen stomach. Clearly her priorities were set on something better than her eldest daughter.

"I thought maybe you were too cracked out to take care of me," Summer speaks up, catching their attention, as they both straighten up as if they weren't just disrupting the peaceful atmosphere of the hospital. Autumn turns toward her, and her features relaxed a little. Summer. The last time she'd seen Summer was when she was about 15 years old, and she was 17 now. She'd grown up so much in those two years. Not to mention her hair was a very shocking color, but that just added to her maturity.

It' had been forever since Autumn had seen her daughter, and in these brief seconds as she glanced her over, the only thing she had wanted do was embrace her in a tight hug.

"I waited for calls from my social worker to tell me that I had to get relocated to a foster home because you died," she continued. She'd been in the system forever. Summer sighs, and runs her hand through her messy hair. "You just didn't want me." It was hard for people to face the truth, but given that this woman was her mother, she at least could give her the common decency to answer truthfully.

Autumn glances down at her shoes before completely nodding her head silently. It was something that she was ashamed to have admit, considering the fact that the girl in the hospital bed is her child... or she was at one point. She didn't want Summer. She had realized that the very moment she had the girl because there was someone out there who would take better care of her. There was always someone who could love Summer more than she had. She hated Summer. As much as it hurt Autumn, she hated her child. She reminded her too much of a time where she was completely unhealthy on drugs, and having her around was a constant reminder that at one point she did do drugs.

That there were times where she didn't come home because she was too high to remember her name. Or the times that she did come home to a child that only wanted her attention but she never could give the girl the time of day because she didn't even know what year it was at that given moment.

She hated her.

Autumn was married now, with a second kid by her husband on the way. She lived in a healthy upbeat household, and went to a lot of Narcotics Anonymous meetings where she would uphold her sobriety. She remembered that she had another child a while back, and as soon as she did, she passed complete custody to Charlie almost half a year ago. This was something that she would rather remain a secret. Something that should be left buried.

"Get the fuck outta here man," Summer exclaimed, motioning to the door, seeing the hate and disgust fill the woman's eyes. Startled, Autumn backs out a little, taking one last glance at the life that she had left behind, until she was finally out of the door, vowing to never turn back.

The only person that had seemed to want her alive was Charlie. Judging from the bags under his eyes, she could tell that her presence was doing nothing to help him whatsoever. He was so, so tired. The cosmos tried to kill her, and her own mother threw her away as if she never existed.

What was the point of it all?

What was the point of it all?

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