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"Dad, I'm heading out," Bella yells over her shoulder. It was one of Charlie's days off, and Summers first day back to school. She was still completely still tired, and very, very frustrated with herself, however, there was a deep difference in her appearance.

The girl seemed dressed lax- with uggs, and a coat, however, she seemed to be missing the usual glow to her. The absence of her perfect outward appearance made Bella feel a lot better.

Glancing at her sad looking cousin with a small smirk on her face at her visible difference, Bella steps onto the pathway, and immediately slips on some ice, falling to the ground.

Ignoring her fallen body, Summer steps over her, and steps into the Big Cherry, as she called it.  She sits in the passenger seat, staring out the front windshield while Bella and Charlie gawk over the tires.

"You know, if you need to stay home an extra day, it'll be fine," Charlie starts, clearly being heard through the thick glass window after finishing the conversation with Bella. "I can call the school, and we can stay on the couch watching Rawhide?" He was worried about her first day back because truly, after the showdown with her mother in the hospital, the girl hadn't been the same. The fact that her father was babying her cousin irritated Isabella a little, which made Bella roll her eyes.

He had brought her tires. He had even came out to help her when she fell, and now he was focused on Summer. Again.

"I'm fine, Uncle Charlie," Summer replies, her voice small, full of uttermost sorrow. Charlie sighs, and opens the car, just to poke her cheek , catching her off guard before he shut the car door.

The ride to school was silent.

"Your roots are showing. It's completely atrocious," Bella finally speaks up as she takes the key out of the ignition. "Do something about it," she snaps. She had wanted Summer to retaliate, or say something, but the girl didn't say anything at all. Her blood was boiling.

Jasper, who had been waiting in Rosalie's Jeep immediately walked out of the car when he saw Summer walk out of the truck.

"Hey Summer," he calls, and jogs at an average human speed to catch up to her. Summer stops, and turns towards Jasper. His hair was awfully cute.

At hearing her thought, Edward smiled a little.

"What's so funny?" Rosalie asks, seeing Edward smile. It was sometimes hard to get him smile when they were anywhere in the public eye because of the many thoughts that invaded his head at once. "Usually her thoughts are like staring into the sky- it's huge, and deep," he concentrated on her once more, and listens as to how Summer wonders how Jasper did his hair.

"Today, her thoughts are like everyone else's, and she's thinking about his hair," he finishes. Rosalie began to have a small turmoil- she didn't like the idea that her brothers' mate was human.

Not only did it put them all at risk for exposure , but it complicated things with the Volturi. However, it was very nice to see Jasper, the usual silent vampire freak out over tiny things. This morning it was, of course, his hair, in which Rosalie and Alice helped him with much to his dismay.

"I heard you were in the hospital," Jasper says to Summer who just nodded as they walked into the building. "Anyways, I was wondering if you would like to study at my house tonight?" Summer halted in her tracks, and turned to Jasper, who was seemingly at a lost for words, as he, himself was shocked that he actually asked her out.

Although he seemed frantic, his face showed no type of color- no signifier that the cold was getting to him either. His eyes, which were golden, weren't tearing up from the wind that seemed to be whipping everything too and fro. He seemed... fine.

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