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Carlisle moves fast, making his way over to the girls. Summer was holding on to Isabella, and her grip tightened as Carlisle moved closer. The blood had gotten into her eyes, making it difficult to see, and blonde Dr.Cullen looked exactly like blonde James.

Taking note that she was bleeding heavily, and couldn't see, he puts his hands up in surrender. Her eyes were red as she bled into them. "It's me, Summer," he offers gently. And Summer just squeezes Isabella tighter.

Edward, now near to Summer, being the only visible person that wasn't blonde, places his hand sympathetically on Carlisle's shoulders, as he moves over to Summer, who'd kept her hold on the thrashing Isabella.

"It's me," he lets out, as he could see her fingers loosen their hold on the brunette girl. "Let Carlisle help," he continued, as he grabs onto Isabella's arm, and Summer let's her grip slip, as Edward slid her cousins body out of her fingers.

"Her femoral artery's been severed," he mumbles, as he glances over Isabella. There had been a lot of blood, but other than the spot on her hand, and the leg, there hadn't been another opening.

"Summer," Jasper calls , as he uses his speed to make his way over to the girl who was still losing consciousness against the wall. Carlisle takes one quick glance at Bella, who was completely stable, and then Summer, who was getting paler by the second.

"Alice!" He calls, and the tiny bell pixie speeds over to to her father. "Take your belt off, and tie it above my hand, here," he motions to where his hand was on Bella's leg , and Alice quickly does as she was instructed. "Tighter, above the knee."

"Suck the venom out," Carlisle simply states to Edward, as he moves his way over to Summer, who was in Jaspers arms. He was doing his best to take the pain from her body, as she convulsed in his icy grip, a seizure causing her body to dance jerkingly.

"Turn her on her side," Carlisle tells Jasper, who reluctantly lets her go. It was damage control at this point. You do everything that you can do now, and then later, you try to fix what couldn't have been done the first time.

Once she'd finished jerking her body, Carlisle is greeted by his mate, Esme, who'd made her way over to him immediately after supervising Edward, who'd almost killed Isabella after being instructed to suck the venom out without any supervision. She and Carlisle were going to have a long talk to everything wrong about that picture.

"Head," she tells Carlisle, as she stoops down, and Carlisle notices the blood that soaked the floor from Summers head. "A concussion, and a seizure tells us," his voice trails off as he begins to work.

"That there was something that'd hit her head, meaning that the brain is trying to repair itself," Esme states immediately. Using his hand to apply pressure on the bleeding, Carlisle glances at the watch on his wrist.

"She'd only been seizing for about 40 seconds signaling that," he trails off again waiting for Esme, who'd immediately pulled her phone out. "That the damage wasn't that detrimental." She was dialing 911.

"And tell them I will be scrubbing in on this surgery as well," Carlisle calls to his mate, who'd made her way over to Isabella to make sure she was still breathing

And Jasper lets out a sigh in relief, as he places his hand on Summers bare leg, a comfort of the sort, she wasn't hurt. And Carlisle himself, smiles inwardly at his son. Surrounded by blood, and yet he hadn't slipped up at all.

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