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When Summer has came too, she'd awoken to Isabella's screams

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When Summer has came too, she'd awoken to Isabella's screams. She'd wanted to close her eyes, that was all she'd wanted to do.

Open them. The Moon Goddess.

She obeys, pries her eyes open, and uses her hand to sit herself up.

"Beautiful!" James's voice echoes across the room, as he seems to make his way to Isabella, but stops, pointing the same camera to Summer. "I chose my stage well, huh Love?" He'd wanted her to make a remark.

Get up

It said. But she couldn't. Her ankle wasn't going to work.


She stands, and audibly whimpers when she places her weight on her ankle, making her way to Isabella who was flung over into the mirrors as if she was a bowling ball.

"Isabella," she mumbles, as she felt herself sink to the ground.

James snarls, and makes his way over to the two, his anger mostly towards Isabella. "You made her overexert herself already ," he hisses to Bella, who'd simply just sprayed her pepper spray at the camera in his hands.

"You're simply just annoying me at this point," he says, and gently slides Summer across the floor. He didn't want to hurt her anymore than he'd already had. When this was all over he wanted her to be his. "Stop making her pass out from the pain of hearing you scream, and just talk to Edward," he was growing irritated.

Get up!

Summer awakens to Isabella's screams once more, this time, the scream being from James's smashing his hand onto a bone, a very audible snap resonating across the room.

"Get back," she says, as James turns the camera to her. The words spelled out into the air, Get Back, as the cosmos took warp around it, and they hurl across the  room, letter by letter. Knocking the camera out of his hands, and embedding theirselves into  his skin, leaving cracks, as he'd flown across the room into a mirror from the force.

Summer had no idea how to kill a vampire, but if that was a human, she knew for a fact that they'd be dead.

Stumbling across the room, wincing with every step, she grabs Isabella by the arm, and drags her to where she'd successfully just come from.

"Mmh," Summer states as she was thrown into a mirror by James, who'd immediately looked as if he'd regretted it the moment he'd done it.

"Oh, Love," he mumbles, as he speeds over to where she was, and brings his hand to her skin, which was coated in blood. He allows himself to be full of the bloodlust for a second, before just simply licking it clean off his hand. "Stay down, the more you get up, the more I hurt you."

Get up!

Summer opens her eyes much to James's dismay, and shrieks, her power being strong enough to shatter every piece of glass in the room, as he is hurled away. The light in the room was illuminated by the moon.

She felt herself become possessed.

James speeds over to Isabella, and sinks his teeth into her skin, only for a second because Summer uses her power to fling him across the room into a mirror again, as she's floated, using the gravity of her cosmos to intimidate.

Edward is on the scene now, taking notice of Summer who was taking on James. "Do it," her voice whispers into his mind, and he pulls Isabella into his arms.

"Don't leave Summer, Edward, please," she whimpers through the pain of the venom bite, giving away their motive. James takes the lead across the room, and Summer moves to swipe him, ahh, but it's too early, as James grabs onto Edwards foot, as he's being flung backwards, sending all three of them tumbling across the room.

Using her powers, Summer collectively moves James across the room, away from Isabella. Her sole purpose was to keep her alive.

Only for Charlie.

Edward, forgetting Isabella, charges directly towards James, the both of them colliding , immediately Edward gets the upper hand. 

As her energy depletes, Summer makes her way over to Isabella, her guard still up, as she gathered the thrashing Isabella in her arms.

"My hand, Summer, my hand," she whimpers out, and Summer nods her head slowly. "I know, Isabella," she mumbles.

They're here, it's okay

The voice tells Summer, and she could feel the adrenaline starting to wear off her body.

Jasper takes notice to Summer, who was bleeding a lot more than Bella, and starts to make his way over to her. "Jasper, Go," Carlisle states, motioning towards his siblings who had began attacking James like a pack of wolves.



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