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At lunch, the Cullen family were usually the type to cause quite a buzz in the cafeteria, solely due to the fact that they were extremely secluded, and extremely 'weird'. However, today, they were completely on edge. Edward Cullen and Jasper Hale we're completely attached to the smell of blood pouring off of the two new girls, and if they acted upon their animalistic urges, it would be a blood bath.

For Edward, who was the eldest to the animal blood diet next to his adoptive parents Carlisle and Esme, he could endure the smell of Isabella's blood and the sound of her beating heart, however, Jasper, who was one of the newly turned vampires in the family, and the newest to the diet, he seemed to had completely been stuck in a trance.

What they weren't expecting, however, was for one of the girls - Summer, as the latest buzz alleged her name, to be sitting at their table. She was glancing off into the distance, completely unaware to the people standing in front of her.

She glances up when they all approach the table, and shrinks in stature at them all, clearly intimidated. They were all unmistakably gorgeous- with flawless porcelain skin making them look like china dolls, and she could only wonder how out of place she looked in comparison. Sure she was already pale, but they were paler than she was.

"Umm," she trails off, and starts to place the bag of salt and vinegar UTZ chips on her tray as she packed up to move. "I didn't mean to sit- I mean I didn't know," her voice shrinks as she felt herself glance at all of them at the table as she rushes to place her items on the tray.

"Please don't beat me up," she whispers, feeling the pressure rise to the point where her ears started to pop, as she imagined an elite group of the beautiful skinned models, beating her up, and rolling her body in a red carpet before tossing it into the ocean.

"No, you're fine," Alice says, being the first to speak seeing that her siblings were too shocked to move. Alice places her tray next to Summers, and sits down comfortably beside her before extending her hand. "My name is Alice," she introduces herself politely with a wide smile that showed off all of her pearly whites.

"My name is Summer," Summer whispers out, as she returns her hand. The warmth of her hand immediately vanished as she touched Alice's, and oddly an immediate calm rushed over her entire body, causing her to shiver a little.

She knew what paranormal feelings were and this rush of calm was a big example of it.It was as if somebody in the cafeteria could manipulate the stars as well. Edward raised his eyebrow at this thought, giving a pointed look to Rosalie who also looked confused at her sisters interaction with the stranger.

"This is Emmett," Alice introduces the bigger looking model, and Summer took a note at his purple under eye circles, meaning that he didn't sleep well. Summer made a mental note of that, so that the next time that she went out, she would see if she could pick him up some concealer.

"This is my Rosalie," Alice continues, shifting the direction to the blonde, who's curls were so bombshell, Summer whispered a string of curse words at her beauty. At hearing her swears, Rosalie smiles, and gives her a subtle wink.

"This is Edward," next was the red haired one. His hair wasn't fiery red, however, it shined somewhat red. It looked as if he took time to gel every bit of hair into place. He most definitely was a prissy boy, and Summer made a big mental note of that.

"And next is Jasper," she says, referring to the one to her left. Summer turned, to glance as Jasper, and immediately her heart stopped, causing every vampire in the room to glance shockingly at her.

Summer hadn't took a breath, or moved, and her heart had frozen, meaning that she was dead. The vampires stared intently, waiting for her body to fall over, or even just collapse as humans usually do when they were dead, but when it didn't, they were overcome with immediate shock.

Suddenly, she sucked in a piece of air , and turned away from the boy to her left as the blood rushes to her cheeks in embarrassment.

She was startstruck. Literally. As soon as she saw him, she could feel herself being drawn into the moon in her mind. She felt herself being stuck in her own cosmos, and that completely made her want to dive deeper into it all- why did she feel that way about him?

"I thought you died for a second," Emmett teased, as Summer took in another deep breath, before completely opening her bottle of water, and downs it to stop herself from saying something embarrassing.

When she finally finished gulping the water, the bottle was empty, and the bigger one , Emmett, was still looking for an answer, so she smiled.

"I did die," she answered truthfully. It wasn't as if they would understand what she was talking about- none of them went through her cosmos. "I forgot how to breathe for a second," she gave the most dumbest white girl response, which made Emmett roar in laughter.

"You have amazing hair," Alice comments, and Summer blushes. "Truthfully, this isn't my color," she turns down the compliment.

"So this blonde isn't really you?" Rosalie speaks up, as she decided to take interest into the conversation, in which Summer shakes her head as a response.

"My cousin wanted me to dye it this color," she puts a chip into her mouth. "I haven't had the heart to tell her that I just want my old hair back."

"Well, darlin', it's your head," Jasper finally chimes in, and everyone listens to as her heart stops momentarily once more, and secretly exchanged glances. Summer cheeks heat up.

"I think Summer is letting the heat get to her," Emmet comments, with a smirk on his face, as he began to wiggle his eyebrows seductively. Rosalie hits his arm to cease his banter, "Hush Em."

The bell rings to Summers relief, and she pulls a piece of gum out of the front zipper of her backpack. She most definitely did not want her breath to be smelling horrendous from eating the Salt and Vinegar chips. She takes a mental notice as to how none of the group seemed to have eaten their food, but plays it off as them not eating it just because it was school lunch. School lunch isn't always the best.

"Well, if you feel like you ever need a change in hair, you should call me," Alice suggests. She hands a tiny piece of paper to Summer, which had digits on it with her name underneath, signaling that it was her phone number.

Finally. She made friends.

 She made friends

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