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"When you wake up I will chew you a new one," Charlie's gruff voice muttered, waking Summer, who's head was hurting immensely. She reaches up to touch it, but is immediately in shock because her long hair had been cut. Shaved in fact.

She lets out a strangled gasp as she opens her eyes, despite them tearing up from the bright light, and feels her head again. Although it was wrapped in bandages she knew that her hair was gone.

"Bug," Charlie breathes, as he felt the tears well up in his eyes. Sue Clearwater was the one that'd drove him all the way down to Phoenix, and was the one that was with him when he'd gotten the phone call that both of his daughters were in the hospital. She places a comforting hand on Charlie's shoulder before stepping out the room.

"My hair," Summer gasps, as she reached up to touch the bandages again. "You fell through a window," Charlie explains as he moved his chair closer to Summer. "A shard was so deep into your brain that you had a seizure, Bug." Charlie places a hand on top of hers.

"They had to shave your head to save your life," he finishes, and Summer feels her breath hitch in her throat as the memories came rushing back to her. The vampire. Isabella. The bite.

"Where's Isabella?" she asks Charlie, and the elder man clears his throat. "Her injuries were less intense then yours, she went back to Forks a week ago," he answers truthfully. Summer sighs.

She'd saved Isabella's life, and the only thing she'd wanted to do is to just beat her up. She could've stayed home with Charlie, yes, but she knew that the old man was heartbroken, so of course she went after her cousin.

"You rebroke your ankle when you took the cast off," Charlie continues, and Summer knew that was a lie. The ankle was almost healed thoroughly when she'd taken the cast off, but the vampire broke her ankle.

"And I understand that you helped Isabella, but next time, please do it safely," he runs his hands across his face, and Summer agrees. There wouldn't be a next time because there was absolutely no way she would do that again.
- - -
With a beanie on her head, and sitting up by herself, Summer was ready to go. Charlie had went with Sue to sign her release papers about five minutes ago, and she was antsy to get out of the hospital. She'd been there for two weeks- one when she was in the medically induced coma, and the next was when she was healing from the surgery.

"You're way to happy," Leah comments, as she notices Summer, who had a huge smile a on her face. She was the only other person aside from Sue and Charlie to talk to, and it made her feel better because she'd wanted to talk so somebody her age.

Leah herself, felt better to have a new friend. The only reason she'd come down was because her mom forced her to, but she wouldn't have it any other way.

"I get to go home," Summer responds, and extends her middle finger to the Quileute girl who had insisted that she'd be there for another day. Leah gasps in fakes offense, turning in on herself, only to turn back around with her middle finger raised.

Summer gasps, and reaches up, as if to scratch her hair, but falls short. There was no hair. The mood was instantly shifted.

Leah sympathetically smiles, and drops her hand before sitting on the edge of the bed. "We could always get you a bow," she jokes, and Summer laughs.

That's one thing that she could always do with Leah- laugh at her pain.

"Oh, let me ask Sue ," she retorts, and together they burst out laughing again. "How you gonna get there, you broke your ankle tryna save your cousin," Leah teases, and they laugh to the point where there were tears streaming down there faces.

"Fuck you," Summer replies sobering, a smile still remaining on her face. "Fuck you too." Leah finishes. They'd sat in silence for a bit, and Summer couldn't help but thank the Cosmos for her new friend, cause heavens knows that she would've went crazy.

"Alright," Sue responds walking into the room with a nurse in tow. She picks up Summers duffle bag that she had Leah go get from the girls house. "Charlie is bringing the cruiser around front," she tells Summer as the girl moves to sit in the wheelchair.

After she was settled into the wheelchair, Leah immediately moved behind the handlebars, and speeds down the hallway with Summer intentionally bumping her into things while Sue calls after her to get her to stop.

- - -

She'd missed the dance, and that made her completely sad because she didn't even have a chance to choose out an outfit for the dance, much to her dismay. Bella was able to go because the only thing she had to wear was a boot, but Summer was an entirely different person. She was bald, well no, there was a little bit of black fuzz on her head, and she had a scar that went from the crown of her head to her left eyelid, while she was still in the ankle cast.

She'd spent most of her time with Leah, and occasionally, somebody from the Cullen family would come by. Everybody but Jasper. Her Barbie Haired crush hadn't come by since she'd gotten to Forks. Summer knew it was probably because of the blood, so she didn't stress it as much, but she was completely alone.

Sitting in the living room with her body outstretched on the couch, Summer lifts her head when the front door opens. It was a Isabella.

"Hey," Bella awkwardly greets from the living room. Edward Cullen was right behind her. Summer felt completely not safe. She sits up, quickly leaving her with the worst head rush ever, and scoots over to the far end of the couch away from the two.

"I was wondering what you're doing tomorrow?" Bella continues, ignoring her cousins shocked expression. Edward, however, started sniggering at Summer, causing her cheeks to heat up a bit.

"Well, absolutely nothing," Summer admits. She'd wanted to lie and tell her cousin that she refused to do anything with her as a whole, but, she knew that Charlie would not like that. He was the only reason why things were civil.

Bella nods her head. "Rosalie, and Alice will be over. I'll call Leah, too," she then quickly turns, and walks right out the front door, leaving Edward Cullen and Summer all alone.

She still wasn't safe near him.

"I know you don't like her," Edward states walking over towards Summer, his hand outstretched, causing her to flinch. He hesitates, and stops, finally dropping his hand as a whole. "But trust her, you'll love this," he turns, and walks out the house.

He'd wanted to cry. How is it that everybody loves this feeble person rather than Isabella?

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