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"Well," Jasper speaks up, glancing at Summer who'd just woken up a few seconds prior . "You're quite the charmer early in this fine morning," he greets, and Summer lazily glances towards him before rolling her eyes. Turning towards the alarm clock, she sighs. It was around 7 in the morning.

Jasper woke her up by tapping on the tiny window in the room, and she'd pushed it open only because it was Jasper, because she'd known if it was somebody else, the answer was no. Not if she would talk to anyone else though.

Jasper sits beside her on the bed, and glances around the room. He had never actually been in the room this early before, and now that he was in the small room, he felt a surge of cockiness considering the fact that he was in the room at 7 in the morning.

"You know," he mumbles as he glances towards the huge mirror sitting across from the bed, "I can imagine myself making you watch me eat your- " he laughs at the blush that immediately hit Summers face, the deep wind chime sound causing her to heat up some more. A part of her wanted to allow him to finish the sentence, but, a part of her didn't. Jasper was a very sexual person.

"Jasper Hale, you are a tease," she lazily responds, and sits up, pushing her back towards the headboard of the bed so that she faced him. She was in her pajamas, which consisted of only a shirt and panties, and after sitting up, the scars on her thighs were on display. Quickly, noticing, she moved to grab the tiny blanket she was laying under previously.

Jasper grabs her hands.

"Don't," he murmurs.

Confused, Summer kept a firm grip on the blanket, not dropping it like Jasper asked, however, keeping it just in case. Nobody could stare at them too long , they made people uncomfortable. Everyone but Charlie of course, who'd only seen them whenever she wore short shorts inside the house.

He was one of the few people who'd seen the real her.

Jasper moves for his jacket, unzipping it, tossing swiftly onto the carpeted floor. Next was his teeshirt, which causes Summer to widen her eyes, the sleepiness leaving her completely.

"Jasper, I don't have spare cash to just throw on you because you want to strip," she jokes, still confused at Jasper who'd looked a little distraught after removing the first shirt.

"Hey, you don't have to," Summer speaks, and yawns, covering her mouth. "I don't know what it is, but I know that you don't have to," she drops the hold on her blanket, and gently placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

Jasper sighs, and gives a reassuring smile before pulling off his long sleeved shirt.

Jasper was covered in many crescent scars, some seeming to overlap themselves leaving a ton of purple-black bruises on his skin. They decorated his muscular chest , and went down his arms, the skin sparkling under the direct luminous light. Summer allows her breath to hitch in her throat before reaching for the remote that she had to dim the overhead light, allowing the fairy lights to turn on immediately.

Jasper was a disco ball when he wanted to be.

Pushing up from her spot on her bed, she reaches over and hugs Jasper. It wasn't sympathy because she didn't want sympathy for her scars, and you put out what you want in return, however, that hug was to let him know that she was there for him. She'd wanted somebody to be there for her whenever she was down, but she never got that direct Hugh from anybody but Charlie.

Just as Christina Yang is to Meredith Grey, Charlie Swan was her person. And judging from the looks of it, Jasper needed a person.

"Come here," she murmurs, and takes Jaspers arms, and pulls him in front of the mirror. She  pulls her sleep shirt off, leaving her in a faded grey sports bra, and the panties. She didn't care much about her body, so she didn't care about his gaze on her. Faded scars decorated her stomach.

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