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Summer awakens to a door slamming. She'd been sitting with Charlie all day in the living room, the two of them hadn't moved an inch from the sofa rather than to go back to the bathroom or to get some food.

"Get out!" Bella's voice echoed through the house. Charlie stands from his spot beside Summer, gently dropping her legs which were strewn across him on the couch, so he would not wake her, however, it was extremely unsuccessful because the girl let out a tiny mew as she stretched her legs.

"I have to get out of this place," Bella says turning to Charlie. "Our of Forks, I'm leaving now." She shouts, and turns, running up the steps.

Summer sits up from the couch, and groggily walks over to her uncle Charlie, and sympathetically pats his shoulder, "I'll see what's going on, hold up." She sleepily crawls up the steps, navigating each hand so that she wouldn't fall on her face. She get's her cast taken off in a few days, and it was a hastle going places without her crutches, but she didn't really care.

She gets to Bella's door, and knocks twice before pushing the door open. Edward was pushing things into a bag, using his speed to take things from her drawers, and shoving them into it.

"What's going on Isabella?" Summer asks, as she steps into her room, shutting it beind her so that their voices won't drift down the stairs to Charlie, who was extremely concerned. Edward gives pointed look to Bella before climbing out of the window.

Bella gives an alarmed face at this, and turns to Summer, who was completely unfased at the encounter, her concern was mainly on Isabella, she wanted to know if her cousin was okay. There's a knock on the door, and Charlie walks in, just as Summer had done, not waiting for a response if it was okay to come in.

"Bells," Charlie asks raising his eyebrows. "Did he hurt you?" He asks, looking her over for any type of bruises on her skin. "No, Dad," Bella replied, as she walks around her room.

"I broke up with him," she lies, as she gives a look to Summer, who was in her path. Summer immediantly shrinks behind Charlie, choosing to not say anythig to make her angry. She was scared of Isabella, and she did not want to get hurt as a result to her anger once more.

"I thought you liked him," Charlie asks confused. The two of them argue some more, taking the conversation from the upstais all the way downstairs where Summer trailed off behind them. She wasn't really paying attention.

Bella takes a visbale breath.

"Like watch more baseball on the flat screen? Or go to the Coffee Shop?" she scoffs, and turns to Summer, who hadn't been paying attention at all. "You already have somebody like that."

"Don't do that Isabella," Summer speaks up, and then shrinks again behind Charlie.

"You might have her , but if I don't get out now, I'm going to get stuck here just like mom did," She opens, and slams the door behind her.

Charlie lets out an audible sob, as he feels his heart leave his chest. He sinks to the floor, and began to cry, wrapping his arms around his knees in which he pulled up to his chest.

Summer thinks for a second before she makes her way into the kitchen, getting the cleaver that Charlie had brought for her when she'd decided to make chicken. It takes her a couple of seconds to get a good base, but she began using the cleaver as somewhat a saw, as she brgan to hack the cast off of her leg.

Ten minutes was all it took for it to have some sort of rip to in it, and as soon as it did, she pulled a stick of butter out of the fridge, and rubed it all around the top of the cast, and pulled at it. It took a quarter of the butter before her leg was completely out of the cast.

Pulling herself up using her good leg, she tentatively places weight on the leg, her ankle buckling a little as if she were an animal or a child learning to walk.

She reaches into her Uncles jacket pocket, and pulls out the keys to his cruiser, and then pulled the heavy jacket over her shoulders. She was only in a tank top and pajama shorts. By then, Charlie had already stopped his crying, and Summer could hear his snores, signaling he'd fallen asleep, which was good because the man had been up waiting for Isabella to come back all day, refusing to take a nap.

'Going to get Isabella. Took the cruiser.'
She scrawled on a piece of paper in big bold red Sharpie, sitting it under a magnet on the fridge. Then, with her feeble ankle, she walked into the living room, taking the pillow, and blanket that she'd been occupying previously, while she walked to the foyer. His body had been curled up into a little ball, and his face was still wet. Gently, to not wake her Uncle, she placed his head under the pillow, and spread the blanket as best as she could over his body before maneuvering herself around him.

She'd locked the door once she'd gotten outside, and took a deep breath, standing on the porch.

Why in the world was she doing this?

Isabella doesn't like her. Isabella tried to kill her. Isabella is just a horrible human being to her as a whole, why is she going after her?

Because that was her Uncle Charlie's daughter. The man that took her in, gave her a place to sleep, love, and food to eat. This was all for Charlie, not Isabella.

Placing her hand on the railing, she carefully placed pressure on her ankle as she walked down the steps, and continued to make her way to the cruiser. Once inside, she put the key in the ignition, and turned it, allowing the car to roar to life.

There was only one place Isabella could go, and that was Phoenix. It was going to be a long ride, but glancing at the gas tank, Summer realized that it was full, signaling with the siren turned on, she could get there. So she drove off into the night, reminding herself that this was only for Charlie.

 So she drove off into the night, reminding herself that this was only for Charlie

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