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"He told her," Rosalie snarls as she marches into their house, her voice alone cusing Esme to sigh in exhaust. Rosalie had been going on and on about Edward, and how him having the slightest contact with his bloodsinger, who happened to be Bella Swan, would cause conflict for the Olympic Coven.

"Rose," Esme starts as the blonde bombshell runs her fingers through her ringlets. "You have to think about how happy this will make him." Esme wasn't biased to a lot of things, however, she knew that Rose was right. Isabella knowing that they were vampires would cause conflict for the family.

"What difference is it if Jasper told Summer," Edward sparkly replies to Rose's complaint as he walks into the house, slamming the door causing the glass in the house to seemingly vibrate. "Summer is Jaspers mate," Rose hisses. "He doesn't want to kill her twentyfour seven."

"God forbid something revolves around somebody elses happiness, Edward just has to throw a temper tantrum. Your blood singer tried to kill his mate, and you just have to go and give her another reason to make Summer's life worse." Rosalie finishes her rant and hisses as Edward began to crouch, signalling that he was about to punce.

Vampires were, and always going to be predators.

"Cut this out right now!" Esme walks in between her two children with her hands outstreatched. "We will talk about this when Carlisle gets home." She stares at Edward, who hadn't moved a bit. Jasper, who had just got out of Emmett's Jeep raises an eyebrow at the tension that seemed to radiate from the outside of the house.

He was an empath, meaning that he could feel how upset everyone was, so doing what he did best, he sent a calming flow into the house.

Alice basically jumped up the front steps in joy, carefree to her siblings that had wanted to kill each other moments prior.

"Summer is coming over for dinner," she squeals in excitement. Edward scoffs in disgust, and walks up the steps to his room. He'd rather not be around for this. Esme glances over to Jasper, who had only rolled his eyes at his brothers childish behavior. "He'll come aorund Jas," she says softly before making her way into the kitchen. If Summer was coming over, it gave her a reason to finally use the kitchen.

Esme fancied cooking, she watched a lot of cooking tutorials and shows on television, so, she wanted  to make Bake Ziti.

- - -

"What's the cosmos," Edward says, appearing in the kitchen besides Summer, who had arrived a few hours prior. She'd eaten dinner with Jasper- well, she'd eaten dinner in front of Jasper because he'd claimed that he had eaten before her arival and wasn't hungry.

"I thought you asked me this question already today?" Summer asks in confusion, her eyebrows scrunched up. She was dressed in a simple dress that flowed out at the sides, stopping at the tops of her knees with her hair pulled in a simple ponytail. She'd wanted to make a good first impression on Jasper's parents despite them having to treat her on more than one occasion. She cleaned up flawlessly.

Jasper narrows his eyes at his position accross the kitchen as he loaded the dishes that Esme had used into the dishwasher. "You did," Edward confirmed, as he began to stalk around her like a predator facing its prey, circling to gain some sort of intimidation. "I'm just trying to figure out why you would think it had power," he finished, and watched as Summer visably flinches.

"Don't do this now, son," Carlisle speaks up from his position on the love seat in the living room with Esme sitting beside him. Rose glances up from the Car magazine that she was reading, a growl threatening to escape her throat. Emmett, who was  in front of the television playing his game quickly pressed pause, placing a gental hand on Rose's leg.

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