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At first, Summer felt horrible that maybe she'd gotten more than Isabella, but, her cousins room was completely bigger than hers, and she also had gotten a cherry red truck, which was amazing. She was glad that Isabella had gotten a car, because that meant that she could pay her to take her places considering the fact that she did not get her driver's license at all.

On the thirteenth day of being in Forks, it was their first day of school. Summer was up early, at six o'clock , showering and planning her outfit for the day. It was still raining and muggy outside, which meant that she did not want to wear any of her white shoes in case she stepped in mud, so she just put on fishnet tights under her white denim blue ripped jeans, vans, a green biggie smalls teeshirt, with her green baseball cap.

On her way out of her room, she was sure to unplug any light in her room so that she didn't run up her Uncles electricity bill, and grab her black hoodie.

Charlie had left around 7:30, which was the time that Isabella had seemed to be getting up, and that gave Summer enough time to make them both a light breakfast.

Humming her favorite song, Summer washed everything that she used after she was done, and the only thing left was Isabella's plate, which had scrambled eggs, two pancakes, and bacon on it.

When Isabella came down the steps, she had on a long sleeved shirt, with a green bowling shirt over top of it. She glances up at Summer, who had also been wearing green as well. Rolling her eyes, she marched down the remainder of the steps, and stops in the kitchen.

"Hey," Summer greets, picking up the plate from its spot on the counter. "I made you breakfast," she gleams, excited to start the very first day of school. She was happy that Isabella was there, that meant that they would be there on time instead of tardy. To make things even better, Isabella was matching her green.

At their old school, they were often passed off as twins, which made Summer a little happy considering the fact that it meant that at least that meant she looked as if she belonged and was wanted by someone, and was not labeled as the orphan, or the cousin .

"Oh," Bella takes the plate out of Summer's hands, and of soon as she did, Summer grabs her backpack, which rested in front of her feet near the counter, and hopped out of the front door.

Taking one glance at the food, Bella immediately emptied its contents into a trash bin, and left the plate in the sink that Summer had just so happened to clean.

❦ ❦ ❦

Everyone was staring by the time Bella had parked her car. Summer, who was completely unaffected by the stares, reached for the handle.

"Hey!" Bella protested, which caused Summer to halt in her motions, and turn back to the slightly anxious teenager. "They're all staring," she whines a little, and glances at her hands.

Summer sympathetically places her hand on Bella's shoulder, causing Isabella to glance up into the girls bright eyes once more. Instead, they weren't bright and blue, they were filled of stars. The rims of her light blue pupils leaking into the entire entire eye, making the full eyeball black. And one by one, stars moved in motions. Pulling in her mind, as she began to lose herself in the stars.

As she felt Isabella get stuck into her cosmos, Summer speaks, "Don't think of them, think of the cosmos," the whisper of the words, flittering in the air of the car, as they spelled out the final word. When she saw the stress lines in Isabella's forehead disappear, she decided that once more enchantment would work for the rest of the day.

"Don't think of them, think of the cosmos," she whispered again, this time, the entire sentence began spelling itself into the air out of tiny stars. She watches as Isabella lets out a sigh of a relief, and blinks, which not only caused the sentence to disappear, it caused Isabella to snap out of her trance.

She grabs her things, and hops out of the car quickly, which ultimately meant that she was ready to go in. Grabbing her own bag, and draping her jacket over her forearm, she hops out of the rustic cherry red truck, and shuts the door.

Summer jogs to catch up to the brunette, stepping in the tiny puddles, as together, they brave their way across the parking lot .

❦ ❦ ❦

Every class that she had, everybody talked about her, but never talked too her, which made things a little awkward for Summer, but she didn't really seem to care; she care to school to get an education, not to make friends... although friends made it better.

Out of all the classes that she had though, gym was one of the few classes that she had with Isabella, which really hurt her, considering the fact that she would've rather had all her other classes with Isabella so that she wouldn't be alone, but at least she had gym with her.

"How were your classes Isabella," Summer asks, her eyes focused to the game that they were playing, which had been volleyball, which was her absolute worst gym unit ever. She would rather play floor hockey, in which, at her old school, was the game that she was the absolute best at.

"It was fine," Bella huffs, and goes up to hit the ball, and flails it with her eyes closed, which smacks the ball off of the court.

The ball hit a boy, that immediately let out an 'ow', and turn around to see who served it. Summer pushed into Bella, urging her to apologize, and very meekly, Bella walks across the floor.

"I'm sorry," she apologizes, completely embarrassed at the whole ordeal. "I told them not to make me play," she continues. Noticing her discomfort, Mike decides to try to ease it, "It's only a flesh wound."

Mike grins, which causes Bella to smile, as an unfamiliar feeling of independence hit her body- she didn't really care about the others in the gym, she was only focused on something very weird, and unknown to her.

Jessica, who had been eying the ordeal from across the gym, jogs over to them, as she sees Mike staring intently at Bella. Frowning, Summer decides to step over as well, just in case Bella had seemed to had gotten into a mishap with a girls boyfriend, which was absolutely unacceptable. Isabella had only went over to apologize for a minor incident, not steal the boy.

"She's got a mean spike," she says, gently placing her hand on Mikes shoulder, "doesn't she?" Mike nods, and extends his hand.

Just as he was about to speak, Summer finally made it over to her cousin, "Isabella all you alright?" She asks, turning slightly to glance at the girl, Jessica, who had looked completely annoyed.

"Oh," Summer turns around completely, and notices that Mikes hand was extended, meaning that she had hopped into the middle of a conversation, which was completely rude. Her cheeks heat up in slight embarrassment, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt," she apologizes, as her cheeks noticeably flushed a little bit more.

The bell rings, and taking that as her cue to leave, Summer immediately leaves the gym.

The bell rings, and taking that as her cue to leave, Summer immediately leaves the gym

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