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"You're such a bastard you know?" Leah tells Summer as she helped her in the bathroom. Summer could shower alone, but she'd always need somebody in there with her in case things went south, and she cracked her head open on the edge of the tub.

And since Leah was Summers new best friend, she hadn't mind getting in the bathroom with the pale faced girl at all.

"Technically, a bastard is a child without a father," Summer speaks over the water as she rinsed the soap off of her body. "I'm more of an orphan because I don't have a mother or a father." She reaches and turns the water off. Leah immediately thrusts a towel inside of the shower.

"You sicken me," she jokes, as she quickly opens the shower curtain. "Hey!" Summer shouts as she quickly wraps the towel around her. "I almost had a nip slip maan," she changes her voice so that she sounded like the Crush, Sea Turtle from Finding Nemo which was one of her favorite movies.

"Ohhh, shit man, my bad bro," Leah quickly hops on the accent as she helped Summer lift her leg over the tub. Summer had a hard time putting on anything related to her  lower region. She couldn't put weight on one leg, and bending down was a lot harder than it usually was, so she'd often went out without panties on.

"It's not like I haven't seen it all before," Leah jokes, rolling her eyes. She reaches on the dressing hook in the bathroom, and pulls a lavender flapper dress off the hanger, motioning it to Summer who was preoccupied.

While hooking her bra, Summer notices something on the brown haired girl. "Bitch," she breathes, turning away from the mirror and to Leahs hand. "Sam did that?" She pulls at her hand, allowing her to get more visibility on the diamond ring that sat on top of her ring finger .

Leah blushes, and let's out a chuckle. "I was going to tell you later on today, but yes. I have family coming down soon, and of course, you're going to be my maid of honor!" She drops her hand, glancing at her toe nails that Summer had painted indigo.

"When did you become such a wussy bitch?" Summer jokingly punches Leah, and takes the dress off of the hanger.

"The same moment you started looking like a child who'd started growing hair," Leah retorts as she pulls Summers dress down in the back. "Hold up bitch," Summer glances into the mirror.

"This looks kinda fancy for sitting in the house all day," she turns to Leah, who'd began stripping her own clothing. "Because we're not captain obvious," she sarcastically remarks as she pulled on a pale pink top that clearly was made for her. The bodice was tight at the top, the bottom of it dangling in jewels.

"Go in your room, I'll be there in a few," she moves from the bathroom door, and opens it, allowing Summer to slowly make her way out of the bathroom. "Hey there," Esme calls from behind Summer with Carlisle in tow.

"I came here on very strict orders to professionally take off the cast," Carlisle jokes, emphasizing on the word professionally. "And I'm here to give you this gorgeous bow," Esme pulls out a purple ribbon from behind her back. They motion the girl into Charlie's room.

The man was sitting on the couch in his room with an amused smirk on his face at Summers confusion and discomfort. Carlisle carefully removes the cast quickly, and slides on a brace for Summers ankle while Esme worked gently on the girls head, being careful not to brush too hard on the fine hair as well as being delicate to the scar that was almost not visible to her hair.

"I'm going to just put this up here," Esme says, defeated at how she had no knowledge on how to do the style that Alice had wanted. "But I'm pretty sure Rosalie could hook you up," she gives Summer a sad smile.

"Okay, don't overdue it," Carlisle states as he moved back from Summer's ankle. The cast was off and laid far to the left. Summers ankle brace was reinforced , it wasn't a simple cloth one that a person could get from the pharmacy. It held her ankle straight in place while giving her the opportunity to walk on that foot.

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