Chapter 1: Warning! Cuteness is the Devil!

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A raven haired woman with sea green eyes stands beside the university entrance, grimacing. I can't believe I blew that exam. I mean I passed but that is not good enough! She looks around the campus grounds.

"Hey, hot stuff." A male student says, she looks over at the black and blonde haired student. He leans against the building glancing at his friends. This guy must be the oh-so-famous Kirito. She rolls her eyes and lets out a small sigh.

"What do you want, Kirito?"

"You've heard of me, have you." He smirks.

"As have many other students."

"Would you care to join me for a few drinks?" She takes a quick look around, where are you Naofumi?

"Kirito." I comment as my twin comes into view, "More like Kiri-No thank you." She says and walks away. Leaving the guys behind.

"How'd your exams go?" She asks her twin as she falls into step with him.

"Let's go to the library." He replies, she returns her attention forward.

"That bad huh." She comments, "I didn't do so hot either." They grab a coffee and pastry along the way to the library. Once they arrived they swiped their cards and split off in different directions. Naofumi heads for the light novels while his sister heads to the art section. She finds the books she wants in no time, places them on a table, and starts reading. About 20 minutes later a blinding light takes over her peripherals. Annoyed, she gets up and walks toward it. What kind of book would cast such a-

"Mirai?!" Naofumi calls. She looks up and her eyes widen.

"What the hell is going on here?" She asks.

"I don't know. I was flipping through when it suddenly-" he starts to fade, instinctively she grasps his wrist and the light envelopes both of them. "Naofumi," she looks at him with terrified eyes, "please don't let go! I'm-"

"Mirai!" Everything goes dark.


"Brother!" I shout bolting upwards, my sketchbook pops into view, I move to grab it when some kind of medium sized tie wearing red ball of fluff with horns and a tail, picks up the book. "How cute." I say and hold out my hand, "Can you give me the book?" It looks between the book and myself. "Yes, that's mine, can you give it back please." it holds it towards me, "Thank you." I reach for it and the creature's jaw widens and chomps my hand.

"Ow! That wasn't very nice!" I snap withdrawing my hand, it smiles and runs off. "Why you little devil come here!" I scramble to my feet running after it. As I follow it, it swerves around so much and I end up tripping, and getting smacked in the face with trees, "When I get my hands on you I'm gonna-!"


"That hurts god dammit." I comment, rubbing the back of my head looking toward the entrance of the pit fall. The demon pops it's head from the side, "Curse you adorable thing!" It laughs and teases me with my book, before running off. I get to my feet and look around, finding several tunnels around me.

"Okay which way." I ask, placing my hand to my chin and pointing towards one of them, "By the sounds of the creature it ran this way. Should I follow, or try a different route which could allow me to cut it off." I take a moment to think before spinning, stopping shortly after, and I open my eyes, my finger pointing toward the tunnel opposite to the creature's direction. "Well here goes nothing." I start running down the tunnel.

2 hours later. . .

I push a rock to the side thus revealing a forested path, "Would you look at that, I can't believe that worked." I walk out of the tunnel dusting off my hands, a sound approaches down the path, the creature with my book skids to a stop in front of me. "Ha! There you are! Now give me my book!" I lunge toward it, it jumps up and I land on the ground. I wipe my arm across my mouth, and look over my shoulder the monster running down the path.

"You can't run forever!" I jump to my feet and sprint full speed after it, as the number of bushes and ferns diminish I run into a clearing with a river running through. The monster standing in the center of the river looking around. "I've caught you now, what're you going to do, there's nowhere for you to run." I smirk as I approach it, it turns around and looks up at me it's body shivering.

"Oh no, I'm not going to fall for the same trick twice." it looks around frantically as I close in on it. It throws up my book and disappears in a ball of red and white mist. I land on my stomach in the river, holding my book above me. I sigh with relief. The creature reappears in a tree.

"This is all your fault." I say, the monster laughs. I roll my eyes and transition onto my knees flipping through the book, "Thank god nothing is damaged." with the book in my arms I stand up and look around. "Now where am I exactly?" The monster stops laughing and I glance towards it.

"It's not so funny now that I have my belongings huh." I comment, it turns arounds and starts jumping and floating from tree branch to tree branch. "Why is it running away?" heavy breathing comes from behind me, I glance over my shoulder as wisps of breath spiral out of the cave. A video game style health and mana bar appear at the top left hand corner of my view. "What the hell?" I look around the bar follows, I shake my head and open my eyes once again it's still there. "Just where the hell am I? I'm not really in a video game, right?" piercing yellow eyes light up from within the cave, I step backwards.

"This can't be real." a red bar pops up at the top center of my view.

Onisper Level 10

"What is an Onisper?" a dragon-like foot, steps out of the cave.

"No way, a dragon here? No freakin' way am I sticking around to see what the rest of it looks like." I turn around and start running away, where the heck did I end up! Dragon's monsters, what kind of place would possess these kinds of things?! A mixed cry of a dragon, panther, and serpent electrifies the air. I start to run faster as winds whistles past me, I squeeze my eyes shut. This is a dream, this is a dream! I'll open my eyes and I'll be back home. I hit the ground, my eyes snapping open as I gasp for air. A panther's face with horns appears above me. Black drool coming from the sides of its mouth, a drop lands on my right eye and an agony filled scream emerges from my lips. The monster stumbles backwards, I cover my eye and scramble backwards. The monster had legs belonging to those of a dragon, filled with green and black scales and talons to match. With black and green wings on it's back, horns between it's panther ears, and the tongue and fangs of a serpent. It shakes its head rapidly as if affected by my scream. I've gotta move, but I can't muster the strength. It stops and snaps it's head toward me, baring its fangs as it trots toward me. I continue shuffling backwards, am I really going to die here? I start hyperventilating as the right side of my vision blinks away.

"HELP ME!" I yell at the top of my lungs, the monster scratches at it's ears then charges toward me. I close my eyes.

"Nagisa, hold it back." a male voice requests, I open my eyes to see a female samurai standing before me, a barrier emanating from her sword. My gaze trails over landing on a male with blue, silver streaked hair. "Milady, can you walk?" he asks, meeting my gaze.

"Who. . are you?"

"Minato, just grab her and let's go!" Nagisa shouts, "I can't hold it for much longer!"

"Pardon me." he says and scoops me up, Nagisa jumps back and places her hand on the male's shoulder. My eyelids grow heavy, Nagisa? Minato? Why do they look so familiar?

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