Are you happy now ?

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Chapter 4
( a month later )
I was in the school bathroom washing my face off after being slushed then I came out and went into the hall way . "aw is Berry sad she got slushed ?" Quinn taunted me with the other cheerleaders . I ignored them , "hey Rachel , Finn and I were making out last night and he was telling my that he never liked you and that you looked like a man ." she told me "shut up Quinn ." I said quietly "what did you say to me ?" She asked . "ignore her Berry ." I thought . I started to walk away when she grabbed me and slammed me against the lockers . I didn't get up but I could feel the pain "now you want to mess with me !" She said angrily . she punched me and her friends joined in . I felt defenseless like I couldn't do anything and no one would help me because they didn't care . I wanted to die maybe it was for the best . she kept hitting me and kicking me calling me names and having her friends punch me . I could feel the tears running down my cheek finally they stopped . "now that's where you belong on the ground ." Quinn said and she walked away . I sat there for a minute until everyone left then I slowly got up and left . I was walking in the hall when mr.shue saw me he ran over a said , "oh my god ! Rachel are you okay?" I didn't speak , I couldn't because every time I tried but it hurt way to much . He looked at me and finally I fell on my knees crying my eyes out . he then picked me up and just hugged me telling me everything is going to be okay . Mr.Shue drove me home early that day he said that if I need anything to just call him and he would send Emma over . i on the school roof the next day . I didn't even want to go to class because I didn't want people asking what happened to me . i looked at my watch it was 2:30 that meant it was time for glee . I didn't want to go but I knew I would have to so I got up and tried to have some type of strength . when I got to the choir room everyone looked at me and then mr.shue said , "Rachel your here ." I didn't say anything I just sat in the back and me.shue started to talk.

Finns POV :
I was in the choir room talking to Sam when Rachel came in . I looked at her and saw that she was all beat up . she didn't say anything to me or anyone else she just sat there . "Rachel are you okay ?" Mercedes asked "yeah I'm fine ." she said lying again "no your not ." Santana said "why do you even care ?" Rachel asked angrily "I'm sure your little Cheerio friends told you ." she said "what! Who did this to you I'm going to go beat their ass Lima heights style !" Santana said angrily "oh shut up Santana Rachel got what she deserve ." Quinn said "what ! Quinn did you do this to her ?" Sam said . "Guys stop it now !" Mr.shue said demandingly "mr.shue I have something to say ." Quinn said "Quinn I think you said enough ." he said "well there's something I need to say to Rachel ." she told him and stood up then said , "Rachel your worthless , and that's why nobody likes you . you could go into a hole and die and no one would care . Why is that you ask because your a loser , a freak , and that's why Finn dumped your flat ass ." she said . Rachel looked like she was about to cry then she said , "fine Quinn if you so much than consider me gone , mr.shue I'm sorry but i quit glee ." she then stepped down looked at me and said , "I hope you two are very happy ." and then she ran out .

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