Chapter One

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Chapter One:

It was Thursday, and everyone was supposed to be out of the school building already. Well, everyone but the people who had sports practice and Logan. He was trying to finish a science project, and Logan was almost done with it. But there was something he couldn’t get right. Logan would ask for help, but the teacher had left for a couple minutes and Logan was the only one in the classroom. Well, that was until someone came walking in the classroom. Logan’s seen him around a couple times and the boy was pretty popular around school, especially since he was the captain of the hockey team. Plus, he’s been in a lot of Logan’s classes throughout our whole lives, including elementary school.

“Uh, he’ll be back in a couple minutes, if you want to wait.” Logan said, without looking up a second time.

“Okay,” The boy said. Logan wasn’t sure what he was going to do, but the next time that he spoke he was a lot closer to Logan. “So, what is that?”

“It’s my science project.” Logan looked up, and the boy was sitting right in front of Logan. “I need to get an A on this, or I won’t get into the college I want.”

“Ah, so you must be Logan Mitchell.” How did he get that from a simple statement?, Logan thought.

“Uh, yeah. How do you know who I am?”

“Just because we have nothing in common, Logan, doesn’t mean I don’t know who you are.”

“Yeah, but you made it seem like you got my name from me saying something that has nothing to do with my name.”

He leaned closer to Logan, and Logan could feel his heart rate speed up. “Maybe I’ve been paying attention to you.”

“Have you been?” Logan wasn’t sure where this was headed, but it made his heart race faster than before.

“Maybe; what would you say if I was?” he leaned in closer.

“Uh, that it’s kinda creepy.”

“Not flattering?” he leaned in even closer. He was so close, that Logan could feel his breath on his own lips.

“Uh, well, I – uh…” before Logan could say anything else, the teacher walked into the classroom. And James practically sprang halfway across that room.

“James! What are you doing here?”

James walked over towards the teacher’s desk and started asking him questions. But Logan wasn’t paying attention to their conversation, or his own project – that he needed help with. Instead Logan was trying to figure out what had just happened between James and him. He wasn’t gay, was he? No, he wasn’t. Because that would ruin his popularity and reputation. Him being gay wasn’t what brought that on, he was just trying to make Logan feel bad for thinking that he was going to kiss him. And then he was going to make fun of Logan with his friends, for wanting to kiss him.

Instead of staying there, Logan decided to clean up his stuff and ask for help tomorrow after school. As he was finishing with clean up, Logan noticed that James was looking over at him while the teacher was saying something probably really important. He smiled at Logan when he noticed that Logan was looking at him. Logan could feel the blush that was creeping up on his cheeks, and looked down to try and hide it from him. But Logan knew that he saw, because he heard James’s laugh all the way over where he was standing.

Logan quickly made his way towards the door, when he was finished with cleaning up. But before Logan could make it out of the room, he heard the teacher tell James that he could come in tomorrow after school for help with his science project. Which Logan wasn’t sure if he was excited about or not.

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