Chapter Eleven

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Logan had to admit that he didn't allow James to touch him as much as he did before what happened. It wasn't that he didn't want James touching him, because he certainly did, it's just Logan was afraid. Every time James – or anyone really – touched him, Logan would think back to the video that he had taken from Brian and what the two girls had been doing to him. But then he would remember what Brian had said, and Logan was afraid for Monday to come. Because even though Brian wasn't going to do anything at school, you could never know; because Logan didn't think he would do anything on Friday, but yet Brian did do something. And if it wasn't for James saving Logan, he probably would have gotten really hurt.

And so, Logan had decided to spend the whole day alone on Sunday, because he didn't want to have to reject James in front of his face.

But Logan didn't like being alone the whole day, because he had gotten so used to the four of them hanging out after school the week before, he felt like they'd been friends for years. So, since Logan had been lonely, he called Carlos and asked if he wanted to spend the day together; which Carlos was quick to agree to.

It didn't take Carlos long to show up at Logan's house to pick him up, and when he showed up Logan had yelled out to his mother that he would be back later.

Getting to the car, Logan noticed that James and Kendall were in the car as well, and he realized that he should have asked if he was alone or not before asking him – and only him – to hang out. So, without wanting to hurt their feelings, he reluctantly got into the back of the car and sat down next to Kendall; James hated sitting in the back, no matter what he got out of it.

The four of them spent the whole day down trying to teach Logan how to play hockey; and if you asked any of them, he wasn't that bad. But if you asked the people that had been watching Logan fall on his ass every time that he did it, they would tell you that he was terrible – and slightly funny. But Logan didn't mind the laughing, because no one seemed to be making fun of him for liking guys.

Logan had seen a lot of familiar faces from school, and even though he expected the people to make fun of him and call him any name that they could think of, they were just laughing at how many times Logan could fall within the three hours that they were there.

After they had gave up on teaching Logan, they had decided to get something to eat at the pizza place that they had been going to for the past week and a half. Which, they had to agree; it never got old no matter how many times they ate it. Logan had chosen to sit next to Carlos; which caused a frown to form on James' mouth. And even though James was upset about Logan not sitting next to him, it didn't stop James from having a little fun with Logan.

But as soon as James touched Logan's shin with his shoes, Logan all but freaked out with the slightest touch from James' shoes. So, James retreated from Logan and decided that maybe Logan was freaked out about what happened with the two girls and Brian; which James couldn't deny, would freak him out too.

After they had lunch, they decided to go over to Carlos' because Logan hadn't met any of his family yet and Carlos was excited for his family to meet his new friend. And while they were there, Carlos' mother asked Logan about himself; which he told her everything that she wanted to know, skipping over the fact that he was interested in guys. But the second that she asked about his sexuality, Carlos quickly jumped in saying that he was interested in guys. And surprising Logan, she didn't have a problem with the fact that he was gay.

And after they spent a couple hours at Carlos' house, Logan asked to be driven home so he could spend a little time with his mother before she went to work; Logan's mother worked at night most of the time.


When Logan got home, his mother was already gone. She didn't leave a note and she didn't call him on his cell; which Logan thought was odd. His mother never left early without telling him or leaving a note for him to read. But he thought nothing of it, while he made his way to his room.

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