Chapter Two

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Chapter two:

It didn’t take Logan long to get home. But what did take long, was getting to the point with his mother. He wasn’t ready to have his “new friends” meet his mother. And honestly, he was still if-y about the whole thing. He wasn’t sure if they really wanted to be his friends, or if they were using him. He guessed that they would figure out their real intentions over the weekend, because they would have two days and two nights together.

When Logan finally told his mother that he had friends joining their weekend together, he thought that she would be mad because it was interfering with their mother and son bonding time. But what surprised him was that she had a confession of her own; she had to reschedule. But his mother told him that the three of them could still go up to the mountains and have fun. It was a little disappointing that she wasn’t going up there with them, but was slightly relieved. He figured that since a part of him still thought that they might just be using him, he didn’t want his mother to get attached to them.

After a little persuasion from Logan’s mother’s part, Logan agreed for her to drive them up to the cabin. He was about to finish packing, when his phone vibrated in his pants pocket. When he pulled it out of his pocket, there was a number flashing on the screen that he didn’t recognize, but the message meant that it was either James or Carlos. He figured that it was Carlos. It took him awhile to figure out what it meant, but finally did and sent a quick reply.

Yeah, Kendall can come. And I should probably say that my mom isn’t going.

He didn’t want to ask about how they got his number, because the anticipation of the answer honestly scared him. He didn’t want to find out how the popular people always seemed to end up with everyone’s cell phone numbers. He also didn’t even want to ask why they wanted Kendall to come along. The second that he got the text and read it, he wasn’t for the idea of Kendall coming. Heck, he didn’t really want James and Carlos to come along, either. But he was curious as to why the three of them wanted to hang out with him.

It was honestly scaring him as to how risky that he was being with all of this, because this wasn’t usually the way that he was acting. He was always the cautious one – especially after what had happened to his father. His father had been on his way home from the hospital, after having to go for an emergency surgery. There was a drunk driver on the road. And while Logan’s father was staying in the right lane, the drunk driver had swerved to miss something that wasn’t there. The drunkard and Logan’s father had managed a head-on collision, which left both dead on arrival.


As the minutes ticked by, his nerves started to build up. He didn’t want them to end up telling him at the end of the weekend that they were just using him, because he was actually starting to enjoy the attention that he had gotten from Carlos and James all day. Well, it was more from Carlos than James; but he still liked that small amount of attention from James that he had gotten.

As him and his mother were making their way to the school to pick the three up, Logan’s mother asked him if there would be any alcohol; now that she wasn’t going to be there. He quickly assured her that there wouldn’t be. But he wasn’t completely sure about his answer, and his mother saw that written on his face; but she didn’t mention that. Instead, she just turned into the parking lot for the school and parked right in front of the three boys that Logan had pointed out.

Before they got into the car, his mother mentioned something that made Logan’s face turn bright red, “You didn’t mention that they were going to be cute.” Logan didn’t have time to scold his mother about her comment, because the boys were coming from behind the car and opening the doors. “Hello, boys.” Logan’s mother greeted as soon as the doors closed.

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