Chapter Six

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It has been a couple days since Logan was rumored to be gay. Logan never accepted or denied the rumor, which seemed to Brian more prone to confronting Logan. At the beginning, Brian would simply just put Logan down vocally. But as the week went on, and Brian never got a reaction from Logan, the confrontations got worse. The first confrontation, on Monday, Brian had simply called Logan a queer, but even the name calling was getting worse. On Tuesday, Brian had cornered Logan between classes and called him other names, which, in Logan's mind, were worse than being called queer. On Wednesday, nothing really changed. But, when Thursday came along, Brian thought that the name calling wasn't really doing anything to affect Logan and his self esteem. So, Brian didn't call Logan any names during school; but after school was a whole different story.

They were off school grounds, about a block away from Logan's house, and Brian had been following Logan the whole way there' Logan knew that he was behind him, and knew instantly that Brian was going to try something. So, before Brian could catch up with Logan, Logan dialed Carlos' number. But that seemed to make Brian mad, because as soon as Logan had Carlos on the phone, Brian speed walked to catch up with Logan and knocked the phone out of Logan's hands; Carlos was still on the line.

When Brian reached Logan, the first thought that ran through Logan's mind was that he was going to die. But, as seconds past, and Brian still hadn't touched Logan, Logan thought that he could bend down and pick his phone up and then walk away. The second that Logan bent over, however, Brian had pushed Logan down onto the ground and started kicking, the instant that Logan hit the pavement.

It didn't take long for Logan to realize that they were out of view of much of anything. If Carlos had realized what was happening, he probably wouldn't be able to find him. But the thought instantly left his mind the second Brian had started slamming his head into the sidewalk. Logan cried out, when he heard someone walking by, trying to get them to come save him. But the person didn't come towards the sound and figure out what the noise was coming from.

"Shut up, you queer!" Brian sneered. Before Brian left, he muttered something that, to Logan, sounded like, "You tell anyone about this, Mitchell, you're dead!" And with that, Brian quickly walked away from the scene, like nothing ever happened.


When Carlos got the phone call from Logan, he was hanging out with James and Kendall. Carlos was just about to say something, when he heard something fall on the ground; and he was fairly sure that it was Logan's phone. He started panicking when Logan didn't respond to him, when he said "hello". Kendall was the first to notice the panic on Carlos' face, and, being the friend that he was, grabbed the phone out of Carlos' hands and raised the phone to his ear. Getting the same reply, Kendall quickly noted that something was happening to Logan. And to confirm his theory, Kendall heard a loud and strangled cry come from Logan.

Kendall quickly jumped into action, telling Carlos to stay here. Carlos refused, but when he was told that they would bring Logan back here, he stayed quiet.

Honestly, it didn't take long for Kendall and James to be out of the house and on their way towards Logan's house. They weren't sure where they were supposed to look, but school had barely ended, which meant Logan was still on his way home. Which then meant that Logan couldn't be far from his own home. So, the safest bet was to start down by Logan's home before the school; because, to be fairly honest, Brian wasn't a stupid person. In fact, Brian was one of the smartest at the school, aside from Logan.


It took Logan awhile to get the strength to pull himself off of the sidewalk; and when he did, James and Kendall were driving by in Kendall's car. Logan didn't want either of them to see him like this, but would rather have them see him than his mother; because she would instantly insist on him switching schools, but he didn't want that to happen. So, when they slowed down beside him, he didn't move. James was the first one out of the car, slamming his door when he got out of the car.

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