Chapter Ten

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Early the next day, Logan woke up with a massive headache. He didn't remember what happened after the phone call that he shared with Jett, who somehow managed to gain his phone number, but he was fairly certain that he wasn't in his own bed without having to open his eyes. He distinctly felt the rise and fall of someone breathing underneath him, and for a second he snuggled back into the person; that was until he realized that the person could be some random person that he didn't even know. So, he opened his eyes and jumped off the bed, spinning around so he didn't have to face the person that he did or didn't sleep with last night. He didn't want to know what the person looked like; he just wanted to leave the place and get to where he was supposed to be staying. Well, the place that he told his mother that he was staying at; James' house.

As Logan made his way for the door as quietly as possible, he finally took in his surroundings. He recognized everything that was in the room; not in an 'I was drunk last night and everything is still hazy', but in an 'I was here before'. He remembered the television that was twice the size of his at home. He remembered the couch that was facing the television. And if he turned around, he was sure that he would remember the bed that he was previously occupying with a very familiar person.

Even though he wasn't in an unfamiliar place, he was still afraid to face the person that he was just snuggled up to. Mostly because he still wasn't sure what happened the night before. For all he knew, James took advantage of Logan's drunken state and they slept together. But James had been so caring and a really great friend, that Logan highly doubted that. But Logan was still scared to face James. He didn't know why, but he had a feeling that something happened last night that would change Logan forever; or at least, in the current time in his life.

His stomach growled, and he decided that he'd either have to wake up James so they could get something to eat. Or. He'd have to ditch James. And deep down, he wasn't ready to face his mother, who wasn't working that day. Which made Logan's decision a little easier than it had been.

As Logan turned around, he noticed that James was awake. "How long have you been awake?"

"I just woke up, when you jumped out of the bed." James said, groggily. "What's wrong?"

"I – uh – I don't remember what happened last night…" Logan said.

"Well, I know what I did, but I don't know what you did because I wasn't with you last night." James said. "What do you remember?"

"I remember getting a phone call from Jett…something about a party that they were having last night. I thought that you guys would be there, but when I showed up I didn't know many people; except Jett and Brian. But that's pretty much I remember." Logan was desperate to remember anything from last night, but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't remember anything.

That's when he slightly remembered getting up a couple hours ago. He remembered getting up and seeing a camera that had something on it. He focused on that moment, trying to remember what the camera had on it, but he couldn't remember. But he did remember the video that he stashed in his pants pocket. He reached down, to get it out of his pants, but he only came up with a pair of sweats that had no pocket in the back.

He searched the room, looking for the jeans that he was wearing the night before, and noticed them laying by the bed that James sitting up on.

As he jumped across the room, and snatched his pants off the floor, he grabbed the tape out of his back pocket.

"What's that?" James asked, eyeing the tape that Logan had in his hands.

"It's a video from last night. I barely remember waking up this morning somewhere, and I found it." Logan said, "I think I have something that I can put this tape in so I can watch it."

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