Chapter Eight

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Kendall and Carlos had ditched school with Logan and James, and the four of them made their way down the street, towards their favorite pizza shop. They had let Logan chose where they were to go after they left the school, and he said that he was hungry. So, naturally, the other's stomach started growling at the mention of food; and they instantly agreed on Logan's choice.

James and Logan had separated somewhat; Logan was still clinging onto James' hand, which James didn't mind at all.

Logan was slightly disappointed that his day with just James turned into Carlos and Kendall joining them. But, in a way, he was thankful; because if they ended up alone, Logan wasn't sure if he could handle James' husky voice he used when the two of them were alone.

"So," Kendall started, once they walked into the pizza place. "What are we doing after this?"

"Well, I was thinking that we could hang out at my place." James said, "My mom's away for the weekend."

"Your mom just leaves you alone for the weekend?" Logan asked, clearly surprised at Brooke's nonchalance of her own son's safety.

"Yeah, she has business trips that call for her to leave on the spur of the moment." James had never once felt upset about his mother leaving him home alone, except for maybe the first time that it happened. But hearing the shock in Logan's voice made him realize that mother's shouldn't leave their kids home alone, even if they are almost adults; mother's should feel some kind of paranoia, and James knew that his mother felt none.

Brooke Diamond was CEO of her own cosmetics company – Diamond Cosmetics – and she had high hopes that one day James would be running it the same way she is. Brooke had divorced James' father once the company became well known; his father was quickly remarried to a blonde slut fifteen years younger than him. Brooke wasn't one that easily took no for an answer, and when someone told her "no" there was hell to pay for the person that told her no.

The first time that James ever was left alone by his mother was at age ten, when Brooke had been called into work for an emergency that no one else seemed to know how to do; which now that James thinks about it, didn't really seem fair because they were supposed to go to the movies that day. It seemed that every time that they were supposed to do something together, Brooke had to reschedule; which seldom happened. And that honestly was just now making James feel upset about his mother being distant and not wanting much to do with him.

"And you're okay with that?" Logan asked, genuinely concerned about James. Logan wasn't sure what it was about James, but he's seemed to get Logan caring about someone almost as much as he cares about his mother; and that was the hardest thing to do.

"Well, most of the time I am, but when we have plans I don't really like it." James said, looking down at the ground. "So," James changed the subject; only slightly. "Are we headed to my place after this, then?"

"Yeah!" Carlos said enthusiastically. "Then, we can go swimming!"

By this time, they had ordered their pizzas and picked out a table to sit at. They had picked out a booth; Kendall and Carlos choosing one side, which James and Logan sitting on the other side. Kendall and Carlos were talking about something that sounded like an argument about video games.

James and Logan were still holding each other's hand, and it seemed like neither of them wanted to let go anytime soon.

"How you feeling, Logie?" James asked, any hint of huskiness was completely covered by concern for the smaller boy.

"Okay…" Logan began, "But I'm still" Logan hesitated for a second, not wanting to seem weaker than he already was. "scared."

"Aww, Logie!" Kendall said, turning his attention to Logan and James. "No need to be scared!"

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