Chapter Three

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"Hey, James?" James heard Carlos say from the other side of the room that they decided to share.


"Why did you invite Kendall with us? I mean, sure he's our friend. But you know how he gets when we make new friends. He doesn't like them." It wasn't that Carlos didn't want Kendall there – because he totally did. It just seemed that Kendall was always right about the new friends they make.

"Oh…well, I didn't want to leave him out. I thought that -" Carlos was quick to cut James off.

"You and I both know that isn't true. Now, tell me the real reason." James was kind of taken aback from Carlos being so confident about something. But James wasn't about to give in. "James, don't think that you'll get away with not telling me right now. Because I will get it out of you, one way or another."

James sighed, "I just – I don't think that Logan likes me, at all."

"James, are you insane? Where is this side of you coming from? I know that the James everyone knows and loves is in there."

"I don't know. I just feel like if it's the two of us here, with Logan that I won't be able to control myself. And then I would just end up ruining anything that I would eventually have with Logan."

"You know, you should tell Kendall the truth." Carlos suggested.

"Carlos, you know that I can't do that. I mean, you saw what happened with that other guy that used to be his best friend. He completely started shit with him. He started spreading rumors about him. And you know something? He would do the same thing about me. I don't want that to happen, because he's one of my best friends, Carlos." It seemed mean of Kendall, but he was taught that being a homosexual wasn't right. Kendall's father had always taught him that it was against God's will. Or whatever he said at the time, but Kendall wasn't completely listening the whole time.

"You don't know that, James. He could surprise you. I mean, he's been your friend since pre-kindergarten; longer than you and I have been friends." Pointed out Carlos. He did have a point, but James was stubborn. James didn't like being called out on things. And honestly, the guy and Kendall were almost as close as James and Kendall. So, there was a high possibility that Kendall would start rumors about James.

"Well, sure that may be true, but -" Once again, Carlos quickly interrupted James.

"But what? James, there is no other reason for you to not tell Kendall that you like guys!"

"Wait, James likes guys?" Logan questioned, walking into the room that James and Carlos were recently alone in. Logan wasn't expecting to hear that James liked guys, especially on the first day that they started talking.

"Uh," James was the one that cut someone off that time.

"Yeah, but you can't tell anyone! I don't want Kendall knowing." James exclaimed, a little too loud.

"Why don't you want your best friend knowing that you're into guys?" Logan questioned, "I mean, unless you like him?"

"I don't like Kendall. I just don't want him knowing, because he grew up being told – by his father – that being gay isn't right."James paused for a second, making sure that Logan was still paying attention; which he was. "Last year, he had a friend that came out to him. And Kendall and some of the friends that he has, that aren't our friends, were spreading rumors about the guy. I mean, it was mostly Kendall's friends, but Kendall wasn't really stopping them."

"Kendall had to do with that?" Logan asked, tilting his head slightly to the left and raising his right eyebrow.

James quickly decided that Logan looked extremely adorable. Logan's hair was starting to fall into his face; his hair not being able to stay standing. His chocolate brown eyes were sparkling with curiosity and something that James couldn't really place. Even though Logan wasn't smiling, his dimples were slightly visible.

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