Chapter Eighteen

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James wasn't sure what to do. He had come home Monday from school, expecting something to happen between him and Josh, but what happened he wasn't prepared for. Now, don't get him wrong; James knew the kind of guy that Josh was, but Josh was never this violent towards him before. And what made things worse, Josh had drove him somewhere that had nothing around for James to see. So, when James woke up from being knocked out by Josh, he started panicking. And the worst thing about this situation – even more so than nothing being around – was that James was alone. He had no cell phone to call for help, he had no idea where he was, and he had no Logan. That's what he wanted the most; Logan. Logan would know how to get back. Logan would know how to clean off the cuts and blood that were scattered all over James' body. Logan would comfort him and tell him that everything was alright. Logan would kiss each and every scratch that was on James' body just to tell James that they would be fine. But James was alone. He didn't have anyone to tell him that everything was alright. He didn't have anyone to kiss his scratches and make them feel better. He had no one; which, to James, that hurt more than the bruises and cuts all over his body.

As James looked around, trying to figure out which way to go, he noticed that the scenery was trees everywhere. He wasn't really sure how he had gotten to this place, aside from it having to do with Josh. And he had no idea which way to start walking. So, instead of standing up, James pulled his knees up to his chest, rested his chin on his knees, and started crying.

He hated that he had gotten himself in trouble at school because if it never happened, he would never be here. But James would never change it because Brian was being a fucking jerk to Logan and James was having no more of his stupid remarks.

After awhile, James had calmed down enough to think rationally. James needed to get out of wherever the hell he was at so that way he could get to the love of his life. Well, maybe that's being overdramatic because James didn't know what Logan felt like. But really? He had never felt this way with anyone before. So, James just figured that that's what this feeling was. Love. Because Logan was the one that made him smile at times like these; when he doesn't think he could ever smile again. Which only made him feel happier, because whatever was going on in this moment, Logan was out there wondering where he was. And that's what got James to stand up from the ground and start walking in a certain direction. James wasn't sure if it was the right way, but if he could find a town – no matter the size – he could figure out exactly how far he was from Logan.

And really? Logan was the only reason that he was going back to that town that contained his mother stupid ass boyfriend. So, James just thought of Logan's smile the whole time he walked.


As soon as Joanna left, Kendall had ran over to the desk that was in the corner of the living room and grabbed a notepad. Kendall began writing down anything that could give them an idea about where James could be. But without any idea about what happened between him and Josh Monday, Logan had no clue where James could be.

"Wait, do you know if Josh was home?" Logan asked, lifting his head to look at Kendall.

"Uh, I think I saw his truck outside of the house…" Kendall cocked his head to the side, slightly confused, wondering why Logan wanted to know if Josh was home. When Kendall didn't get a reply to his silently asked question, he asked, "Why?"

"Uh, well remember the day that I called you guys over to James' house and the two of us ended up hurt?" Carlos and Kendall both nodded their heads in unison. "Well, Josh was the one that did it. And I have a strange feeling that Josh did this."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! Josh hurt James. Josh is the only suspect that has any idea of where James lives." Logan was probably a little angrier than intended, but he couldn't help it. The person that he was in love with was missing, and Josh was a fucking prick. Logan was tired of having something come between the two of them, that finally the built up anger and depression just burst. Logan wasn't really sure where the depression came from – probably a little of everything that's happened in his life – but Logan wasn't about to stop and cry over something, when he needed to find James and bring his love back to him. And Logan wasn't going to stop until he could feel James' arms wrapped around him and hear the beating of his heart against his ear.

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