When he accidentally hurts you

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Down in the training area, Raph punched the punching bag with his tonfa. He didn't notice you walking in with your bag on your back. Smirking, you snuck up behind and touched the arm that wasn't hitting the punching bag.

"Hey, Raph—"

Raph screamed and threw his tonfa at you. You were able to dodge the first one, but the second got you straight in the face. You let out a cry of pain, even though it didn't hit you hard.

"(Y/N)!" Raph gasped terrified and ran towards you. "Are you okay?!"

"Ow, God! That really smarts!" You remarked as you held your nose.

Raph's eyes went big. He went into the kitchen and came back a few seconds later with a frozen bag of peas and some paper towels.

"Oh, shit, (Y/N). I'm sorry. I'm so sorry! It was an accident! I didn't mean to hit you like that!" Raph apologized profusely.

"Raph, it's all good," you stated, cutting him off. "It was my fault, anyway. I shouldn't have scared you like that."

"Do you need anything else? Are you good yet?" He asked you next, his voice soft.

You beamed softly at him with the paper towel and frozen peas holding your nose. "Yeah, a kiss on the cheek."

Raph smiled and pecked you on the cheek with his lips.


Leo was skating on the skating ramp, displaying some tricks. You were sitting with his brothers and watching him perform his stunts with confidence. You shook your head, smiling, as he laughed boldly and soared across the ramp.

"Coming through!" Leo shouted.

He landed on the top of the ramp with ease and dabbed victoriously. While he was doing so, however, you were met with a hand to the face. You yelped in pain and held your face as if it was about to fall apart.

The three other turtles winced at the unexpected hit. Leo realized what he had done, his eyes widening, and rushed to your side.

"NO! No, no, no, no, no, no! This is not good! (Y/N), I'm so, so, so, so sorry! Where did I hit you?! Are you okay?! Do you need ice?!" Leo fired question after question as he cupped your cheek that wasn't hit.

You quickly shut him up with a peck on his lips. He stopped rambling as you pulled away after a few seconds.

"Just some ice is fine...and maybe I'll let you make it up with some movies and cuddling alter tonight," you smirked, despite your pained cheek.

Leo stared at you with rosy cheeks before he quickly nodded and headed off to the kitchen to get the ice.


Donnie was down in his lab working on some new gadget, so you decided to stop by and check it out. His back was facing you when you entered, but he heard your footsteps approaching and looked up from the device.

"Hello, dove. What brings you here?" He asked you with a smile, his goggles covering his eyes.

"Whatcha workin' on, Don?" You asked abck, your hands behind your back.

"Oh, I am working on a new device that allows Mikey to create some paint, and I'm upgrading some kinks here."

"Sounds fun. I bet that Mikey'll love this."

"Sure hope so."

You stayed next to him to help him work on the contraption more. Just as Donnie was able to fix a part of the device, another part suddenly popped out and hit you straight in the eye. Your cry of pain caught his attention, and he was by your side in a second before you nearly fell over.

"Ohmigosh! Are you okay, love?! Here, let me see," he held you in his arms and examined your eye, which was turning black from the part that flew out.

He gasped when he saw it. "Okay, stay here. I'll get some ice."

After running off, he came back with a bag of ice on hand. Placing it on your eye, he felt his face change to a guilty expression.

You smiled softly and kissed him on the cheek, earning a blushing face. "I've been hit harder. It's all good."

Donnie beamed, still blushing.


Mikey laughed as he ran out of Donnie's lab while the purple-loving turtle shouted profanities at him. You happen to be in his path when he nearly collided with you.

You were able to avoid running into him, but you weren't lucky when his hand unintentionally slammed onto your cheek. Mikey heard you cry out in pain, and his eyes widened with terror the second he saw a three-fingered mark on your cheek. The worst part is, you were trembling and on the floor on your knees as you cradled your injured face.

The item he took from Donnie's lab forgotten, Mikey gently picked you up bridal-style and carried you to his room. After placing you on his bed, Mikey took off and came back with a first-aid kit.

"Ohmigosh. I'm so sorry, (Y/N)," he softly said.

Though still trembling, you looked up at him with tears eyes. His heart broke to see you like this.

His arms gently and instantly engulfed you as he kissed you on the head. In reply, you snuggled closer to his plastron, a small smile growing on your face.

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