Mating Season: Mikey

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"You got your dolls?"


"Stuffed animals?"


"Your favorite PJs?"


You giggled, shaking your head at your little sister's answer. The two of you were down at Ginger's place, getting ready for the next few weeks ahead.

"Okay, so I got your favorite foods here, and—" Ginger walked into the kitchen with a box of snacks, only to stop short. "Aw, crap. I forgot the cookie mix! They're back at the lair."

"I'll go get them," you piped up, grabbing for your jacket. "I'll be quick."

"Just be careful down there, okay?" Ginger called after you.

Down at the lair, everything seemed quiet and deserted. The skating area looked like it was abandoned, save from the two skateboards lying near the ramp.

"Alright, just head into the kitchen and get the cookie mix and head straight back to Ginger's," you reminded yourself as you walked in the kitchen.

You opened the cabinet doors and found the cookie mix that Ginger needed. Reach up to grab it, you yelped suddenly when a pair of arms wrapped around you, and lips began to kiss and lick your neck.

"Here for something, babe~" Mikey purred next your ear.

You whimpered as he nearly bit the back of your neck and tried to move away from him, but his grip was too strong on you at the moment.

Just as you think you'd be trapped, a hard bang welcomed your ears next and Mikey's arms unwrapped around you on their own rather than his teeth biting at your neck. You turned around to find Sam holding a frying pan and standing over an unconscious Mikey.

"Sorry, Mikey, but it's for your own good," she said to him before instantly taking your hand and leading you to the lair's exit.

"Alli or I will bring the mix to you after we get Mikey back to his room," she quickly said, gently shoving you towards the exit. "In the meantime, just try to stay indoors at Ginger's place unless for necessary reasons."

"Yeah. Thanks, Sam," you replied before sprinting back towards Ginger's.

Oh, boy. It's going to be a tough few weeks...

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