When you're scared

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As you and Raph stepped out of the haunted house from the Halloween festival, he carried you on his back while still in his human form.

"You okay back there, (N/N)?" He asked you, smirking playfully.

"Man, that shit was scary," you mumbled under your breath.

"Better watch your mouth there, 'cause the night wolves will get bad teenage girls like you."

"Stop playing with me, Raph," you hit him lightly in the arm.


The two of you were now going through a shortcut, one that he nor you have ever gone through before. You were growing scared the further you walked down.

"Uh, R-Raph? What the hell is this?" You shakily asked, gripping tightly Raph's arm.

"Taking a shortcut. Is there a problem?" He asked back rather sweetly.

"Pshh, no way," you denied, despite the fear growing in you. "This isn't a problem."

"Okay," Raph grinned and released his grip from you before he threw a smoke bomb to the ground. When you looked back after the smoke cleared, Raph was gone.

"R-Raph? Raph?!" You glanced around you frantically, but he was nowhere to be found.

A feminine-like wolf howl echoed, breaking the tense silence. Gasping with terror, you started fleeing for you life, but it was getting closer. More wolves began to appear, making your heart beat faster. You accidentally tripped over a trash can and fell on your back.

The wolves began to draw closer now, and you scrambled away terrified. you covered your face and started praying hard. "Don't eat me! Don't eat me, please!"

That's when you heard laughter, and you opened one eye to find everyone, save from Nabel, dressed in wolf costumes.

"Oh, my God! I am enjoying this!" Alli cackled hard, holding onto her sides.

"Happy Halloween, babe," Raph smirked.

"Oh, my God! You dicks!" You yelled enraged and started chasing after them as they continued to laugh.


On Halloween night, you and Leo, in his human form, were arriving back from 'The Shining'. You didn't mind him tagging along, you just hated the fact that he wasn't even scared of the movie.

"Leo, how are you not scared of that movie?" you finally asked him.

"Dunno. Just doesn't seem that scary," Leo shrugged. "What about you, (Y/N)?"

"Me? Pssh, no way. Nothing scares me."

A cat suddenly rushed across the alleyway and knocked over the trash can. At that moment, you screamed and leapt into Leo's arms.

"Not scared, huh?" Leo smirked at you.

"Sh-shut up," you sneered at him.


Leo changed back to his human form after you arrived back at the lair. You refused to show that you were scared or let go of his hand, even when you made it back to the lair.

"Didn't you say you were scared?" Leo smirked down at you.

"N-no, I'm not," you replied, albeit the shaking in your voice.

"Come on, admit it. You're chicken." As Leo teased you, you didn't notice a figure with wings lowering herself upside down behind you.

"I am not—" you paused when you felt someone behind you. Turning around slowly, the figure, wearing a scary red-yellow mask, made a ear-piercing Phoenix roar and extended their wings out to make them seem bigger.

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