When you meet the girls

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A/n: this is where my OCs come in, but they are in ROTTANS AU, which is still in progress.


Raph had gone off on a mission with his brothers, so you were left to wait for him. It has been a few hours since they were gone, so you decided to occupy yourself with some training. Down in the training area, you practiced your self-defense techniques on a training dummy.

"Hey, Raph? You in here?" A female voice called from outside the room.

Letting the curious side get the best of you, you peeked out from the training room to find a young girl scanning the area. She has red-brown curls hanging above her shoulders and has golden-orange wings on her back.

You tried to stay behind the doorway, but either God seemed to dislike you or she seemed to have a good sense of hearing.

Before you could even react, she zoomed in and had you pinned against the wall. Her hand pinned your wrists to the wall, while her other one gripped an arrow that she had pulled from the side and held it against your throat.

"Okay, lady! What's the big idea?!" The girl demanded.

"Ah! Hey! Let go!" You struggled against her grip, but since it was strong, it's no good. "Raph!"

Just as you called his name, Raph zoomed in through the entryway and saw you being held hostage by the strange girl.

"Whoa, Alli! What the shell are you doing?!" He tore the girl away from you and protectively held you close.

"Wait! You know this girl?" 'Alli' pointed her arrow at you, perplexed and agitated.

"Whatcha think? She's my girlfriend!" Raph argued.

Alli stopped short. "Girlfriend? You never said anything about a girlfriend!"

"I thought I've told you about her, didn't I?!"

"Well, maybe that slipped my mind!"

"Guys!" You shouted.

They both stopped to stare at you, their arguing cut short.

"Raph, aren't you gonna introduce me to your friend who nearly got me killed?" You asked him, a bit impatient.

"Oh, right, um, Alli, this is (Y/N)," Raph said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Huh, no kidding. He would never shut up about you when he came back all lovey-dovey when we first came here," Alli, who put away her bow and arrow, smirked at you.

"He did?" You tilted your head.

"Oh, yeah. Even the girls and I could smell his lovestruck stink," Alli folded her arms, still grinning.

"Huh. But why do you keep saying 'we'?"

"My sister and friends. We got pulled into this world, but it's a long story," Alli answered.

Not even a second later, three more girls entered the lair with the three guys not too far behind.

"Brittany, remind me never to let you use your Ultra-Violet Bomb," Donnie groaned and stretched his neck.

"Why not? It worked, didn't it?" The girl with an iguana tail shrugged.

"Yeah, only for us for a few seconds," Leo remarked.

The three girls stopped in their tracks when they saw you in Raph's arms.

"Ooooh. Is that your girl you wouldn't shut up about?" The iguana anthro smirked.

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