When Draxum/Foot Clan kidnaps you

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On your way to the lair from the park one night, you proudly looked through the photos you have taken while you were there. As you walked down the sidewalk, a ominous figure watched you from the shadows of an alleyway.

Just as you were passing by, the figure stepped in front of you, blocking your path.

"Uh, can I help you?" You looked up from your photos to find a yokai with animalistic legs and two gargoyles on his shoulders.

"Is this the girl you have spoken to me about?" The figure asked the gargoyles without looking away from you.

You gulped nervously, taking a few steps back.

"That's her, boss. We're sure of it," one of them nodded his head.

"Uh, look, I don't know what you're talking about, but I've got to get going..." you said and tried to walk around the figure.

He only grabbed you by the arm hard, making you cry out in pain.

"I don't think so," the yokai chuckled darkly.

Before you could even move a muscle, vines appeared from the ground at his command and held you in their grasps. Screaming and kicking your legs, you did everything in your power to free yourself with no avail as Draxum took you away to the yokai world.

"RAPH!" You cried out before you disappeared.


You were out in the (F/S) field practicing for another game that is about to come up in a few weeks. However, you were too busy to notice two figures coming up at you from the darkness.

A sound brought you out of your focus. You spun around to notice two men with foot marks on their faces. Your skin paled when you recognized those marks on them.

"Uh, hello?" You nervously waved at them.

"That's her, right? The one that is dating the blue turtle?" The buff man asked his partner.

"Recruit said so. She even matches the description of the same girl that ambushed her at the cabin in the woods," the leaner man answered.

"Hold up. That girl that was fighting Leo? She's working with you guys?" You backed away, holding your (F/S/I) as a weapon.

The leaner man took some paper from behind him and formed an origami version of rope before he flung it at you. Before you could even move, the rope turned itself to real life and wrapped your legs and arms in an instant.

"She'll make a perfect for the blue turtle," the leaner man smirked darkly as his partner picked your kicking form up. "Or perhaps an appropriate addition for our army."

The buff man carried you over his shoulder and walked with the Lieutenant towards the van.

"No! Put me down! Leo!"


Down at the library, you started packing up your things to get ready to leave for the night as well as your librarian aunt.

"Hey, I got a call from your dad that you got kicked out," she stopped you on the way out. "I just want to see if you're handling yourself okay."

"Don't worry, I'm staying at a friend's place for a while," you replied to her. "I'm doing fine right now."

"Good to hear. I'll see you later, then?"

"Will do, (A/N). Take care."

As you made your way home back to the lair, a figure watched from above the library roof with a dark smirk. A few minutes later, a loud thud scared you. You turned around to find a buff figure with two gargoyles on his shoulders.

"What the—"

"So, this must be the purple turtle's girl I've heard from my goyles," Draxum smirked evilly. "She'd make an excellent subject for my newest experiment."

You laughed nervously, backing away from him. "I don't know what you're talking about, but that's not gonna happen."

"We'll see about that," Draxum said before he summoned his vines to capture you.

You screamed as he started his way back to the yokai world with you in tow.

"Let me go! DONNIE!"


Down in the alleyway, you practiced your street art skills that Alli had taught you some time ago. Picking up another spray can, you began working on another part fo your piece before someone came up from behind. You noticed the shadow looming over you and gasped with terror upon recognizing the punks that tried to capture you before Mikey came along.

"We meet again, young female," the Lieutenant smiled evilly.

"And it looks like that orange turtle isn't gonna save you this time," the Foot Brute chuckled darkly.

You barely made it out through the exit fo the alleyway before you were suddenly grabbed by the hair, which made you scream out in pain. Rope then began wrapping around your legs and arms to prevent you from escaping.

"Take her back to the lair. We've got a lot to do," the Lieutenant said to his partner, as you kicked and a struggled against the Brute's hold.

"Nononono! Let me go! Help! MIKEY!"

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