When you're sad

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"Where do you think you're going, young lady?! Come back here this instant!" Your mother shouted as you ran out through the door and down the sidewalk. 

Holding your precious camera close to you, you sped down the sidewalk path and headed for the manhole that would lead you to the turtles' lair.

You didn't get to say hi to the guys since they were busy with training, but they did notice your heartbroken face when you ran into Raph's room.

"Red, perhaps you should go check up on her," Splinter told his oldest son.

Raph nodded and headed towards his room where you ran into. He pulled back the curtains to find you a tear-stained mess, sobbing while holding something in your arms.


Looking up, you opened up your arms to reveal your camera destroyed. The lens cracked and the film shredded.

"Whoa. What happened?"

"My mom—sh-she destroyed it," you said, sniffling. "She w-wanted me to do something else and called my hobby stupid..."

Raph felt terrible for you at the moment. he sat down next to you on the bed and pulled you close to him. Rubbing your back tenderly, he let you throw yourself into his arms.

"For the record, your mom doesn't get that the things you love to do are really incredible," he told you. "Don't give up the things you love for others who hate you for that."

A slight grin came across your face, and you sniffled. "That makes me feel a lot better."

Raph chuckled, holding you closer to his plastron. "I love you, (Y/N)."


Leo stood on his skateboard, ready to get his new trick right. Just as he was about to soar down the ramp, you suddenly ran in through the entryway of the lair. He forgot about his trick, for he noticed your face stained with tears as you sped past him and ran to his room.

Getting off his skateboard, he followed you to his room and found you sitting on his bed in a sobbing state.

"(Y/N)?" He softly strolled towards you on his bed. "Hey, what's wrong?"

Sniffling, you pulled out your phone and showed him some of the mean messages you got from your ex and his pals.

The worst one he had seen was: I heard you got a new boyfriend now. Pathetic. He's gonna leave you like I did. I bet he doesn't love you now.

Leo became enraged—no, scratch that, beyond pissed.

How could someone like your ex say some mean things to you like that?

He threw your phone against the wall, shattering it to pieces. He wasn't done yet, for he continued to stomp on it until it was no more than wires and circuits.

Panting heavily, he slowly helped you off the bed and hugged you. He stroked your head, letting you rest your face on his shoulder.

"It's okay, (N/N). Just tell me where he lives, and I'll do the rest," he jokingly said, though he wanted to be serious. 

You just chuckled and snuggled closer to his plastron. "Thanks." 

"And (Y/N)?" 


"I really do love you," Leo kissed you on the head. 


Donnie was getting anxious as he paced back and forth in his room. You were not responding to his texts or calls, he only received voice mails from you when he tried to call you multiple times. 

Different scenarios ran through his head. What if you got hurt? Did you get kidnapped? Did something bad happen to you?

As he made his way to his lab, he called your number again, hoping to get a real response. 

(Insert ringtone) resonated from underneath the table. 

Humming in confusion, Donnie crouched on the floor to find you hugging yourself while cradling something in your arms. He lifted your chin with his finger and came face to face with a wet face and red eyes. 

"What happened, sweetheart?" Donnie asked you softly. 

Without responding, you held out an arm. He studied it closer until he recognized the arm from your robot. 

"M-my mom destroyed it," you managed to say through heavy breathing. "Sh-she was in a bad mood and took it out on the robot...she threw this at me..." 

Donnie, feeling heartbroken, gently pulled you out underneath from the lab table and hugged you close to his plastron. He brushed your hair from your red face and stroked the tears from your cheeks. 

"A-am I useless?" You asked through sniffles. 

"She told you that?" Donnie asked back. 

You nodded in reply and buried your head on his chest. 

"Hey, who cares what people like your mom say about you?" He said, still stroking your hair. "You'll always be special to me." 

He kissed you on the cheek, causing you to giggle. He beamed gently, relieved that you were happy again. 


Your parents' loud shouting became fainter until they were overshadowed by the crickets and distant car horns. Panting heavily, you internally told your legs repeatedly to never stop until you're safe from them as you jumped across the apartment roofs. 

Soon, you stopped on top of the roof and fell to the ground on your knees. You sobbed loudly at the fact that your parents, your own damn parents, called you weak and worthless. 

Yeah, some parents they are. 

You hid your face with your hands, sometimes wishing you were never born. 

Someone tapped you on your shoulder, pulling you our from your sob fest, and noticed Mikey with a sad look. 

"You okay?" He asked you. 

You shook your head and held up your arms. Knowing the gesture well, Mikey picked you up from the ground and hugged you tight. 

"D-do you think I'm worthless?" 

Pulling away from you, Mikey kissed you on the nose and beamed brightly. "You're worth more than anything else. And I will never stop loving you." 

You sniffled and smiled a bit. "Thank you..." 

Mikey released you and started doing some dance moves while making funny faces. At first, you giggled, but then you let out a loud fit of laughter, which changed to cackling. By the time he was done, you were wheezing and trying to catch your breath in a good way. 

"Feel better now?" 

You chuckled, wiping a tear from your eye. "Yeah." 

"No way am I letting you go back home," Mikey offered his hand to you, to which you accepted. 

Mikey always found a way to cheer you up, and you are grateful for that. 

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