When he gets hurt

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Down in the training dojo, you and Raph were sparring each other. He had given you a pair of sais as he taught you how to hold them and find your battle stances.

You were, however, uncomfortable with that, since you are scared that you might hurt Raph, even though you do need to defend yourself.

"Are you sure about this, Raph? I just don't wanna hurt you," you told him.

"(N/N), just relax. Now try and charge me," Raph instructed, shrugging, and ran towards you.

You were scared a bit, but you managed to hide it well.

Dodging his hits occasionally, you thought you were going to do well, but, oh, you were so wrong.

When he charged at you again, you instantly panicked and threw your sais at him. You had your eyes closed, so you didn't see one of them missing him barely a few inches from his cheek...and the other grazing him in the shoulders.

His loud cry caused you to open your eyes, and you gasped in terror upon seeing him on the ground.

"Oh, my God!" You ran up to him and held the wound with your hand, which is now stained with his blood. "Donnie, Leo!"

In a flash, Donnie and Leo ran out of their room and found Raph and you on the floor with his wound seeping blood.

"Holy--what happened?!" Leo asked while he and Donnie ran for you two.

"Raph was helping me train, and I accidentally hit him with one of the sais!" You explained through tears.

Leo was able to get you away from Raph as Donnie and Mikey, who just ran into the scene, helped him to Donnie's lab.

After some time later, Donnie was able to fix up Raph, even though it was only a cut. Splinter had you banned from sparring for some time. You were a bit upset but fine with that.

"Hey, (Y/N)," Raph said, breaking the silence. "Don't feel bad, it was just an accident."

"Yeah, but still, I feel like shit," you replied, hiding your face in your hair and staring at the ground.

Raph smiled lightly. He sat up on his bed and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him and resting his head on yours.

You hugged him back by the arms and beamed.


Leo was training with Raph in the skating area. You stood to the side and watched from a good distance so you wouldn't get hurt.

However, things were about to get heated...

"C'mon, Raph! Are you even trying?" Leo goaded his eldest brother on.

Raph growled and charged at him. Unfortunately, Leo didn't have enough time to avoid his hit. In a second, he was hit in the gut by Raph's tonfa and sailed across the room before his shell hit the wall hard. Leo grunted in pain as he slid down the wall.

"Leo!" You cried, rushing to him.

Wrapping your arm around your neck and hoisting him up, you gave Raph a cold glare. "What is wrong with you?! You could have killed him!"

"I-I didn't mean to hit him, I swear!" Raph explained while feeling guilty from the punch he accidentally landed on Leo.

You continued to glare at Raph as you led Leo to his room. Setting him down on his bed, you rushed to the cabinet and pulled out a first-aid kit. 

"You okay, baby?" You asked him softly. 

"Don't worry about me, (Y/N). Just a bruise, nothing too serious," Leo replied. 

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