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"So how do you feel about pet names? Like bae or babe?" She played with his hands in her lap. She really did enjoy the feel of his hands. They were large and sturdy. They even had a little roughness to them, calloused in certain parts. She wondered, why?

"I'm not opposed to it, but I think I like 'babe' better than 'bae'." Daniel responded completely distracting her from her inspection of his hands. She had almost forgotten she even asked a question in the first place.

"That's fair." She mused.

So he wants to be called 'babe', huh?

"So, babe." She turned to him and reached up with her hands, pulling his face to hers. She had his full attention as their eyes met. His dark chocolate eyes searched hers, trying to figure out what she was getting at. "I remember you saying you wanted to kiss me earlier."

He smirked. "Who said that?" his voice smooth and velvety, no longer mocking the ladies of, 'The Real Housewives.'

"Ohhhh, is that how we are going to play things?" She smirked and reached a hand up to his face, pulling him closer to her. She paused his face when he was a couple of centimeters away. "Well, I'll have you know-"

Within seconds he closed the distance between them and she had forgotten how to think. With a featherlight touch of his lips on hers, it was like a fire had ignited in her soul. His gentle kisses weren't enough though, she wanted more.

He seemed to understand this as a hand came under her chin, guiding her lips to his. Her heart started to beat faster and his smell seemed to surround her, overwhelming all her senses.

He applied more pressure as his lips began to move over hers ever so slowly, in an unsung song that only the two of them knew. His tongue parted her lips, dipping in and out, swirling around, pushing her to the brink. The taste of the sweet red wine was almost palpable on his lips.

She leaned into him allowing him to explore her further, giving herself over to him. He needed no verbal invitation as he deepened the kiss. His hand moved from under her chin to the back of her head pulling her even closer.

His other hand seemed to have a mind of its own as it rested on her thigh, almost underneath the fabric of her romper. He squeezed gently and the warmth spread to her lower half. She squeezed her legs together trying to contain the feeling. She wanted this, badly.

Chloe threaded her fingers through his hair and pressed herself against him. Her legs coming up to rest on top of his. This was definitely not appropriate behavior at all.

She was lost in the moment. The world came to a dizzying stop, as flashes of light from the darkening sky made its way between them every couple seconds. The only thing that mattered was his lips on hers.

His hand was now completely submerged under her romper, pressed against her sex. And Chloe, from a lack of better judgment, started whimpering. The pure ecstasy from his touch was beginning to be too much for her to handle.

Her softness started gave way to his hands, as she rocked into it. She couldn't help the electricity coursing through her. The electric current seemed to be forcing her back to arch into his hand and her mouth to utter wordless cries.

Daniel's hand began massaging her over her underwear, and Chloe's head tossed back, uttering wordless sounds. Soon, his lips found its new target and attached themselves to her neck. She rocked her hips into his hand thinking little about her actions.

Chloe. Her inner voice seemed to come alive. 'I think you should slow down, hun'.

"Umm.. Daniel..." Chloe tried to speak, but he had found her sweet spot. The words were lost in space as he began kissing and sucking right behind her ear. Chloe's eyes rolled back as she leaned her head over giving him more room.

For the Love of Kimchee (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now