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Daniel walked down the hallway to his patient's room. The child's mother had been insistent on speaking to a doctor. The nurses hadn't told him why, only that she was upset and was demanding she speak to a qualified person, or she would sue.

He really hated this part of the job.

He checked his watch. And relief spread through his chest. Only thirty minutes till he saw Chloe. He got to the patient's room and stood out the door taking a deep breath. He might not be able to control how the patient and his mother will behaved, but he could control his own behavior. He released the breath and walked into the room. 

The child or patient in this case was lying down, his casted leg was not raised up but instead flopping off the bed. The patient's surgery went well, and honestly there was no reason for them to even be here now. They should've been released already.

"Are you the doctor?" a short women stormed up to him. Her nostrils flared as she looked up at him.

Daniel smiled down at her.

"Hello, I'm doctor Lee Ji Hun." He gave her his best doctorly smile. "What seems to be the problem."

"The problem," the women was seething as she spoke. "Is that your staff is trying to kick us out when my son, said that he wasn't feeling well."

Daniel looked over at the young man playing on his game boy.

"Let me take a look." Daniel walked deeper into the room.

"Hello, your mother said that you were in pain?" Daniel questioned. The boys head popped up.

"Ah, yeah,  my leg is feeling numb right now. I thought the numbness would have worn off by now."

Really?! Daniel wanted to say but keep his opinions to himself. He had gotten out of surgery two hours ago, ofcourse, his leg was still numb, not to mention that they put him on heavy duty pain killers. If anything this boy should be asleep.

"It's going to take quite a while for your leg to gain feeling back. It was broken in several places. Plus with the painkillers you are on and will be on, you probably won't be feeling much of anything for the next couple weeks." Daniel said in the most monotone voice.

He turned to the patient's mother.

"If you would like him to stay another night, he can. You can go to the front desk and pay for the extra stay there, but there's no medical need for him to stay. He just needs to sleep it off. He should be getting some rest."

Daniel knew that he wasn't supposed to allow patients to stay extra days,   but he didn't have to energy to fight with this family.

"Pay?" the mother questioned. "I have to pay for it now?"

Daniel nodded. "Since this extra stay has been requested by you and not by the doctor, you would have to pay the full amount. Insurance will not cover it."

The woman's face changed immediately.

"Aishhh, Jin Wooo, get up. We are leaving!" The mother hurriedly went over to the bed to help her son.

"But mom!" the son whined, but she shut him up with a look.

"The doctor said you are fine, so we are leaving."

Daniel stepped in. "Umm,  you have to sign out with the nurses before hand, so you can leave him here for now."

The woman nodded and hurriedly walked out the room. Daniel could've sworn she was cursing him under her breath, but he decided not to dwell on it.

For the Love of Kimchee (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now