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It was about 5 pm by the time Chloe and Daniel got to his place. Having had to stop by the nearest Emart, for groceries.

Chloe felt a warmth nestled deep within her heart that was uncomparable. From his teasing little bumps with his hips to hers while pushing the shopping cart. To the hand squeezes he does when he wants to assure that he is present.

Chloe sat in his kitchen, watching with a glass of wine as he set up the kitchen for her use. She watched as his muscles rippled underneath his white shirt while picking up the 1 liter water. Her mouth watered a little as she watched him. She took another sip of wine.

Daniel's apartment was nice. It was super minimal with white and and black colors being at the forefront of his color scheme. It was pretty large too. A full sized kitchen and living room, plus his own bedroom. Floor-length windows seemed to line the outer part of the apartment, giving a beautiful view of Seoul.

"So what do you think you will be cooking us tonight?" He looked to her, completely oblivious to the fact that she was just checking him out.

She stood up from her bar stool and walked around the kitchen island to him.

"Well, we have chicken, potatoes, and broccoli, so you can take a guess." She giggled and placed a hand on his chest. She gave him a slight push and pointed over to the stool.

"You can sit there while I cook." She watched as he went to her previous seat and sat down.

"Good," She gave him a smirk. "So I told you about my future plans, but you still haven't told me about yours." She went to the fridge and pulled out the broccoli about to cut it up.

"What do you mean?" He knitted his eyebrows together.

She put the broccoli on the white marble island. "Where's your knife and cutting board?"

He pointed behind her and she thanked him.

"I meannn," she drew out her words, picking up the conversation. "I know you are set to take over your family company, but when will that be? And do you even want to take it over?"

Daniel sighed, "I don't like talking about this, but I understand why you want to know. So for you I will."

Chloe got the knife and started cutting off the heads of Broccoli. She waited for him to continue.

"My step-father wants me to become the head of pediatrics center before he gives over the reigns. Which is actually something I want to do. I want to become the head of peds. I just don't want to take over the company."

Chloe nodded as he vented. Having cut up the broccoli, moved on to get the sweet potatoes that Daniel conveniently left on the countertop.

"Where's the foil?" She asked.

Daniel got up and pulled it out from a random drawer under the tabletop of the island, then sat back down.

"So can you explain the company a little better for me? Like how does your family own a hospital and a pharmaceutical company?" Chloe wrapped the two large sweet potatoes in foil as she spoke. Then turned towards the oven.

"Well originally, my step-father's family just owned the pharmaceutical company. They developed and made different drugs, and pushed them out to the public. But my step-granddad was the one who thought it a good idea, to start a hospital." Daniel explained.

Chloe nodded as she finally go the oven to turn on. She placed the sweet potatoes in the oven and went over to the freezer where Daniel put away the chicken.

For the Love of Kimchee (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now