Afterword and book 2?

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Thank you for reading my novel. I wrote this book while I was living in South Korea as an English teacher. I was Korean drama obsessed at the time which inspired me to write this novel. This book was created for those black girls out there who love Korean dramas and just wanted to be the main character of a kdrama at least once. 

This book has actually been finished for quite some time, but I felt a bit discouraged to publish it. However thanks to some amazing readers comments I decided to just publish it, mistakes and all. 

I hope this book was relatable, I hope it was entertaining, and I hope you enjoyed it. 

I am currently thinking about making a book two. But I am unsure. I think I ended the book in proper Korean drama fashion. But it would be nice to see how things end up.

To get answers as to how the shareholders will react. How Daniel's family will behave. How the South Korean public will respond. And if Daniel and Chloe would be able to withsand the criticism and judgement. I think a book 2 would be super juicy. 

Let me know if you would like one and I will make it! But if not I will leave it open-ended like so. 

Again thank you for reading! 

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