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He couldn't believe his eyes. When he heard the commotion in the hallway he had actually thought for a second that it sounded like Chloe screaming, but he had pushed the thought aside. It couldn't have been, but lo and behold. It was her.

And here she stood staring at him like a deer in headlights.

"What are you doing here?" He repeated. He couldn't believe his eyes. It was really her, but why? Why now?

All thoughts of his step-dad and his current situation were gone. It was just her and him, just like it used to be. This was her magical power. She always made him feel like nothing else matters, just them in their little moments together. This was his happiness.

But she left, a small voice in his head stated. Daniel shook his head to clear his thoughts. That's right she left.

"I-um, heard about your step-father" She responded and took a seat on the arm of the couch. She unzipped her large puffy coat and folded it over her arm.


"And?" Daniel opted for instead of real thoughts. He had dreamed about this moment happening for so long, but now that it was here. Instead of happiness he felt.... Resentment. Did she really think she could come back after all this time and things would be all rainbows and butterflies?

Daniel felt his face screw up into a scowl.

"aaaand , I just wanted to check up on you. Make sure you are alright." She looked him over and bit her lower lip. "I also-"

"Whelp! I'm fine you can go now." Daniel said cutting her off. He could not be sucked back into the Chloe universe, not now, not ever.

Did she even realize how she had hurt him? And what? Now that she found out that he is getting control of the hospital she wants in?

He went over to the door to open it back up for her, but as soon as he was about to turn the knob she spoke.

"I'm sorry."

Daniel paused and looked over his shoulder.

Her eyes turned glassy as she hugged herself, she looked around the room for a second and then decided on a spot on the ground.

"I-I should've called you the next day. I should've proved to you that I was willing to fight for our relationship. B-But." her lower lip poked out. "I was scared."

She played with the seams on her coat.

Daniel crossed his hands in front of his chest. A part of him wanted to just throw her out back into the hallway and let security deal with her, but there was still a part of him that relished in her voicing her thoughts on their past relationship.

"Scared of what?" His curiosity got the better of him. He was intrigued. He had been waiting, no yearning for her to say these exact words to him for months now. To hear them pass through her lips and to see her face again made him give pause.

"I thought that I knew what love was but I was wrong. What we had was, no is love. I was scared of what I was feeling, scared of our future." She stood and paced the room. "I felt overwhelmed with your love and your patience and my dependence on it. I felt like you were always giving your all and I felt like shit knowing that one day I would have to leave you. That I would hurt you." She paused and left out a breath. "I'm sorry Daniel. You deserved my all and I was scared and giving what I thought I could spare."

This was probably the most honest about her feelings Daniel had ever seen her be. His mouth popped open and closed, trying to think of a response. He was speechless.

For the Love of Kimchee (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now