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The sun had long since gone down, but neither had noticed as they explored one another and found their love together, again, and again, and again.

Chloe's body felt like mush as she rested her head on his chest. They played with each others finger in the air. Watching them intertwine move together.

"Daniel," Chloe suddenly sat up. "Don't you have things to do today?"

She looked around the room and spotted a clock. It was 9pm. Who knew that she would've been here for so long.

He chuckled. "I did, but I found something better to be doing." He stared at her intently. Chloe's body flushed. The longer he looked at her the hotter she got.

Chloe pulled her bottom lip into her mouth. The fact that she was really going to let go of his loving was baffling to her. He was like a drug at this point and one that kept her sane, brought her up and then gently caught her on the way down. She was never letting this man go again.

She sighed, "Let's keep it cute, or else we will be here all night. I'm sure your security guards are ready to go."

"They're fine." Daniel said with ease and grabbed her hand once more. She sighed. This seemed like a dream come true.

he fought for something she wanted and had gotten it. This feeling of satisfaction and wholeness washed over her every time she looked at him.

"Are you hungry?" Daniel asked suddenly, his hand coming to caress her arm.

"A little." She was starving. "But I can wait a little if you want."

"Well, I'm starving. Let's get out of here." Daniel leaned up a little and they detangled their bodies from one another.

Chloe thought about using the hospital blanket to cover her nakedness, but then decided it wasn't that serious. She wasn't skinniest of girls, but Daniel didn't seem to mind her curves. In fact, from the sounds emitted earlier, he loved them.

Chloe proudly got up from the bed in all her naked glory and started picking up her clothing from the floor.

She could feel his eyes on her back as she walked around the place naked.

"Is this what we're doing now?" Daniel voice drifted over to her. She giggled. Yup, this is what they were doing. She slipped on her underwear and then her bra.

She looked over at him with a wicked grin when a shout froze her into place.

"Daniel!" a voice boomed from beyond the door. Then without any notice the door busted open and light flooded the room.

There stood him mother, her face first alight with joy, soon dropped into disgust at the scene before her.

Chloe was thankful for the bra and panties she had on.

There was silence in the room as his mother looked at them both. Her slack with surprise. It was as if someone had put her on pause. Chloe wanted to go up to women but there was no need.

If was as if someone had put a new battery pack inside his mother because she charged into the room towards Chloe. Before Chloe could even process what was happening, stinging pain seared across her face.

"Eomeoni!!!!!' Daniel yelled from behind her and came to her defense pulling her behind him. Chloe couldn't even think straight as she cupped her cheek. Did his mother really just slap her?

Chloe looked at women who know found a new target in her son and was soon hitting him as well. He tried to calm her down taking the hits, but they only grew more persistent.

For the Love of Kimchee (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now