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The walk to the restaurant was depressing. Neither one of them knew how to start the conversation, both of them in their own heads.

Daniel picked a traditional Korean restaurant. A place they could eat quickly and leave. The restaurant was packed when they arrived. All heads swiveled to them as they walked inside. The old men sitting at the table closest to them sucked their teeth at their linked hands.

Daniel ignored them and took off his shoes, directing Chloe to do the same. They walked over the hostess table, and the ajumma looked them up and down before telling him to follow her. She lead them over to a corner table, and walked away.

Chloe looked at the table, looking highly uncomfortable.

"Daniel," she paused. "Where are the chairs?"

Daniel knew she was just being dramatic.

"There are no chairs." He answered anyway and sat down on one side of the table crossed legged. Chloe glared at him and after a couple seconds took a seat on the opposite side.

"Daniel, I hate these types of dining places." Chloe complained. "My western body needs a chair to sit in, or my hips and legs start cramping up or going numb." She looked down at her legs, as if they were about to melt off her body.

Daniel couldn't help but smiled at her. Even when he was feeling horrible she always knew how to make him smile.

"Sorry, I didn't think about it. I just wanted a place that was quick. I'm on a self-mandated break."

"Ohhh," Chloe looked at him with understanding. She looked around the restaurant. "So what do they serve here?"

Daniel strugged. "Different stews. But they are famous for their, Sogogi Doenjang Jjigae."

"Sogogi-what?" Chloe looked at him like he was crazy. "What is that?!"

"It's a classic Korean stew. I'm sure you will like it." The old ajumma came back to their table and put down different side dishes. Nothing fancy today, just radish kimchi and soy bean sprouts. It was probably for the best, Chloe didn't seem to take well to Korean food.

Daniel ordered the stews for both of them and added on sides of rice.

There was silence as the ajumma left the table. Neither of them quite knowing where to start.

"Sooo," Chloe said, deciding for the both of them. "I'm guessing you father was the man who wanted to speak to you after our lunch?"

She cocked her head to the side and waited for his response.

Daniel sighed. I guess it was now or never to have this conversation.

"Yup, that was my step-dad." He clasped his hands together on the table.

"And I'm assuming he didn't know you were dating me." Daniel scanned her face. She didn't seem angry only curious.

"No he knew, I just didn't tell him that you were a foreigner." Daniel mumbled not really wanting to have this conversation in the first place. "But to be honest, I didn't really tell anyone about us at my job. All they knew was that I had a girlfriend. I like to keep my personal life private" He looked over the restaurant taking in the other customers.

He wasn't blaming her for what happened, he just felt the need to explain why, everyone was so shocked by her. They were bound to find out one day, since he refused to let go of Chloe. From the moment he saw her at that language exchange he knew he was done for.

For the Love of Kimchee (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now