Guess whos back.

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Sian's Pov-
I woke up the next morning replaying last night in my head, when he leaned in when he kissed me. the way it made me feel. The thoughts running through my head. nothing could break that moment. I swear we were infinite. I couldn't wait to see him again finally everything was going perfectly nothing could stand in the way.
Baileys Pov-
I met sian to walk into school as chloe was hungover from last nights shenanigans, and hannah met nicky to walk with as they got talking last night if you count snogging and hickeys as "talking" sian was so happy telling me about last night saying how harvey kissed her, but my attention was somewhere else. standing at the gates was my worst enemy. Giles potter. aka kayden.
Sian's Pov-
I was walking with Bailey telling him about last night and how amazing it was but it felt like he was so distant like he was in another world while I was speaking to him.
S- Bailey?
S- um Bailey..
S- Bailey are you listening to me!
He jumped and stood infront of me which made me stop in my place.
S- what are you doing let me walk.
B- no.
S- Bailey what the fuck move.
He kept blocking my way like he was hiding something from me until I finally released his grip and seen what he was trying to hide me from.
Baileys Pov-
I couldn't let kayden see her, ( if your wondering why Giles is known as Kayden that's his middle name in the story ) and i couldn't let her see kayden, she's been through enough im not going to let that dick hurt her again. I blocked her way but she pushed past me and stood there wide eyed.
B- are you okay.. I tried to ask her.
S- why wouldn't I be. She said smiling at me. It was obviously a forced smile. I put my arm around her and walked through the gate trying to keep her away from him. that boy is trouble. She can't fall for him again.
Hannahs Pov-
Nicholas is so cute! He walked me into school and came to my locker with me and we had a little make out sesh;) and he's taking me to dinner soon. Ahh. He's perfect. I seen Bailey looking furious as he dragged sian into school. Sian walked away from Bailey and went to her locker.
H- what was that all about!
B- he's back.
H- whos back.
B- kayden is back.
I gasped.
H- that's impossible! He moved to Florida.
B- well he's back and he's probably here to cause more shit.
H- we can't let sian near him.
B- to late she already knows he's here. We can't stop him doing stuff. We just need to stay with her and not leave her side that way he can't try anything.
H- Im in science with her now, I'll see you later.
B- see you.
I walked over to sian who was at her locker.
H- hey..
S- hi so did u kiss him?
H- a little more than kissing, but tell me about you and harvey so are you guys a item now?
S- I wouldn't say that. But he did kiss me.
H- that's great! Come on let's go to science.
S- I thought you had maths first period.
H- it doesn't matter come on I'll walk you to science.
S- hannah if this is about kayden I can handle him. You don't need to babysit me, you or Bailey.
Sian headed to science, so I headed to maths hoping she'd be okay.
Sian's Pov-
Hannah and Bailey don't need to babysit me I know what I'm doing. besides me and kayden are over. I like harvey kayden can't stand in the way of that. I walked into science and seen harvey sitting in his place, he's so idyllic and flawless. He smiled at me melting my heart and making my knees go weak. I sat next to him.
Harveys Pov-
Sian walked through the door looking beautiful as always, she smiled at me her dimples are so cute. Even though she was looking at me I could tell her thoughts were somewhere else.
H- hey;)
I said leaning in to kiss her on the cheek.
S- hey:) I missed you..
H- I missed you to.
I leaned into kiss her before I was disturbed by the door flying open making a loud noise as it hit the wall. A boy around 6" walked in he had blonde highlighted hair blue eyes and a nose ring I didn't like him already.
Sian's Pov-
Harvey leaned into kiss me before we was disturbed by the door flying open. Giles walked through the door his eyes directly locking with mine he smirked. I looked away feeling the tears in my eyes. How can he be back.. What does he want! Why can't he just leave me alone when I'm happy.
H- hey are you okay?
S- im fine.
I said forcing a smile. Harvey didn't seem so sure.
H- good
He said kissing my forehead.
Mr Langford- well well well.. Look who's back. Kayden sit over by Alaya will you.
Harvey looked at me but I didn't look at him instead I drowned in my thoughts paying no attention to anything or anyone around me.
After science harvey walked with me to the park, as we had a free period.
H- are you okay you seem upset?
I fiddled with my fingers and sat on the swing harvey leaned over me.
H- you can tell me.
S- kayden.. Well Giles.. He's my ex.
H- what!! Why didn't you say anything!!
S- because I knew you would react like this, I didn't want you to start anything with him he's trouble harvey.
H- but he hurt you I can't let him get away with that.
S- Id prefer it if we could just forget about him for now.
H- I love you.
S- I love you more.
I said leaning in to kiss him, I felt safe with harvey.
We walked back to school. Harvey went to art I went to geography.
Miss London- Ah sian, late mark again sit over by Giles will you.
The class gasped. And I made my way slowly over to Giles clenching my fists up more every step I took. He made me sick. I hated the fact that he was back.
G- I see your still a badass then.
S- I see your still trying to ruin my life.
G- If you think that I must be succeeding.
S- you don't have power over me anymore Giles.
G- Giles? Where's my little pet name gone.
S- up your arse.
G- feisty I like it.
S- well I don't like you and I'd appreciate it if you didn't speak to me.
The bell rung so I headed out to meet harvey it was the final day we had left to work on our project before it had to be in tomorrow.
H- hey beautiful
S- hey
He makes me so nervous..
H- lets go.
He said interlocking his fingers with mine. He always knows how to make me smile. I don't think he has any idea how much I want to be with him.
Harveys Pov-
Sian walked out and smiled at me. God she's gorgeous. She started to blush when I called her beautiful so I thought I'd grab her hand to see how much I could really make her blush. She's so cute:') I want her to be mine.
We got to my house and my mum greeted us at the door.
H- hey mum..
Mrs Cantwell- hi harv, who's this?
H- mum this is my friend Sian.
S- hi it's nice to meet you Mrs Cantwell.
N- please! Call me nicky. It's lovely to meet you. Your right she is pretty harv.
H- mumm...
She's so embarrassing.
Sian laughed, and we went to my room.
Sian's Pov-
S- Soo you called me pretty then;)
H- maybe I did.
S- that's cute your pretty to:)
Shit did I actually just call him pretty whats wrong with me.
Harvey laughed.
The way he bites his tongue when he smiles, and he shakes his head it drives me crazy! I'm so in love with him.
S- shall we finish the project then?
H- yeah.
We spent 4 hours finishing the project, by the time we was finished it was 10pm.
S- I better go home it's getting late.
H- you should stay it's dark I don't want you to walk home.
S- I don't know..
H- come on you can have my bed I'll sleep on a air mattress.
S- what am I going to wear?
H- take one of my long tops?
S- okay I'll text my mum..
Secretly I was nervous about staying at Harvey's but I played it off like I was cool with it.
I text my mum and she said it was fine so I changed into a long top and we sat on his bed and watched the titanic.
Harveys Pov-
I asked Sian to stay & she was cool with it so we watched titanic. I put my arm around her and she started crying so I laughed at her.
S- hey that's not funny Jack died!:'(
H- it's only a film:')
S- soo:'( he's gorgeous
H- wow I'm jealous
S- so you should be:')
H- I bet Jack can't kiss you as good as I can.
I leaned in and kissed her.
Sian's Pov-
I was crying at the film and harvey started to tease me. We started to kiss. I put my arms around his neck and I layed down on his bed, he layed on top of me, resting his body on mine. Then he just looked at me and I looked at him. I'm in love with this boy, he's my everything. He's my world, my earth, my stars and my universe. I wish he could be mine forever.
S- im in love with you harvey cantwell.
I said before I went to sleep cradled in his arms.

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